Smoking cigarettes is both damaging to your body and to your bodybuilding goals. Cigarette smoke contains over 4,000 chemical compounds. The most well known of these compounds is nicotine, which, despite some reported positive effects such as elevation of mood, is much more harmful than helpful. Nicotine increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, and has only a negative effect on growth. Aside from the above, nicotine and other well known agents in cigarette smoke are known to cause many other diseases and cancers. Lung cancer, gum cancer, and lip cancer are some examples.
There are many well known health problems associated with cigarette smoke, but there are also general lifestyles accompanied with it. Smokers are known to be more irritable than nonsmokers, and normally see more problems with sleep patterns. Anxiety is also more predominant in smokers than in their nonsmoking counterparts.
On a bodybuilding level, male smokers have been known to have higher estrogen and lower plasma-testosterone levels than nonsmokers do.
Smokers will claim that there are benefits to smoking, but there are none. Smoking cigarettes is no different than scratching a mosquito bite. Whatever pleasure is gained from it would not be there if the bite wasn't there to begin with! Cigarettes don't give you any pleasure above and beyond what you had as a nonsmoker. Its effects on your body in terms of possible health effects are plentiful. Top it off, the hormonal and metabolic effects of tobacco cause lack of mental and physical energy, endurance and recovery, and you will experience these problems in both your everyday life and in the gym.
Source: Health Canada
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Natural Ways For Men And Women To Prevent Back Pain
Back pain, especially lower back pain, is an extremely common complaint in men and women over 50. In fact it is estimated that up to 90% of all Americans will suffer from lower back pain at some point in their lives, with over 50% experiencing more than one episode. There are a variety of causes of back pain that can make diagnosis and treatment quite complex.
In fact, the cause of back pain may not reside in the back at all but may be referred from ailments of other internal organs. As with most other health concerns prevention has many benefits over cure. Adopting a few simple commonsense measures can make a huge difference to the health and well being of your back.
Maintaining strong healthy muscles including back muscles is without doubt one of the most effective ways to help stave off back pain. Regular moderate exercise is essential for achieving strong muscles. Appropriate flexing and stretching together with exercise appropriate to the individual level of fitness is recommended.
Over half of all American men and women over 50 are overweight today. Excessive weight places extra strain on the spine and back muscles and is a common cause of back problems. Maintaining an optimal weight will help reduce these issues. An adequate and balanced diet is vital to maintain a healthy spine and back. Healthy diet promotes healthy bones and muscles and avoids the strain of obesity or excess weight.
Bad posture is another common culprit for backaches. Slouching and awkward posture puts additional strain on the spine and back. Maintaining good posture helps keep the spine in a neutral position keeping strain to a minimum.
Using safe and appropriate body mechanics also helps avoid back problems. Avoid putting unnecessary strain on the spine by providing it adequate support, for instance by bending legs and spreading the load when lifting heavy objects. Avoid twisting and jerking awkwardly when exerting back muscles.
Adequate rest and adequate support for the back during rest - Sleeping position can play an important role in back ailments. Sleeping in a fetal position, on one's side, is generally considered the most stress free position for the back while sleeping face down puts the most strain on neck and back. The importance of using a mattress that provides back and lumbar support cannot be stressed enough. A pillow of the correct height that supports your neck and ensures correct spinal alignment is vital. Current research suggests that a medium firm mattress is best for back support. Avoid pillows that force your neck and head up at awkward angles.
When sitting for extended periods of time ensure your seat provides sufficient back support. If necessary, use a pillow or cushion in the small of the back to help maintain its natural curve.
As indicated earlier back pain may not necessarily be reflective of a problem in the back but may be referred from other internal organs. Hence maintaining general good health will also help reduce back pain. Healthy diet, regular exercise and periodic medical checkups are strongly recommended for men and women over 50.
While back pain is becoming increasingly common it is clear that adopting some simple commonsense strategies can do much to prevent this scourge and keep it under control.
In fact, the cause of back pain may not reside in the back at all but may be referred from ailments of other internal organs. As with most other health concerns prevention has many benefits over cure. Adopting a few simple commonsense measures can make a huge difference to the health and well being of your back.
Maintaining strong healthy muscles including back muscles is without doubt one of the most effective ways to help stave off back pain. Regular moderate exercise is essential for achieving strong muscles. Appropriate flexing and stretching together with exercise appropriate to the individual level of fitness is recommended.
Over half of all American men and women over 50 are overweight today. Excessive weight places extra strain on the spine and back muscles and is a common cause of back problems. Maintaining an optimal weight will help reduce these issues. An adequate and balanced diet is vital to maintain a healthy spine and back. Healthy diet promotes healthy bones and muscles and avoids the strain of obesity or excess weight.
Bad posture is another common culprit for backaches. Slouching and awkward posture puts additional strain on the spine and back. Maintaining good posture helps keep the spine in a neutral position keeping strain to a minimum.
Using safe and appropriate body mechanics also helps avoid back problems. Avoid putting unnecessary strain on the spine by providing it adequate support, for instance by bending legs and spreading the load when lifting heavy objects. Avoid twisting and jerking awkwardly when exerting back muscles.
Adequate rest and adequate support for the back during rest - Sleeping position can play an important role in back ailments. Sleeping in a fetal position, on one's side, is generally considered the most stress free position for the back while sleeping face down puts the most strain on neck and back. The importance of using a mattress that provides back and lumbar support cannot be stressed enough. A pillow of the correct height that supports your neck and ensures correct spinal alignment is vital. Current research suggests that a medium firm mattress is best for back support. Avoid pillows that force your neck and head up at awkward angles.
When sitting for extended periods of time ensure your seat provides sufficient back support. If necessary, use a pillow or cushion in the small of the back to help maintain its natural curve.
As indicated earlier back pain may not necessarily be reflective of a problem in the back but may be referred from other internal organs. Hence maintaining general good health will also help reduce back pain. Healthy diet, regular exercise and periodic medical checkups are strongly recommended for men and women over 50.
While back pain is becoming increasingly common it is clear that adopting some simple commonsense strategies can do much to prevent this scourge and keep it under control.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Androstene : A Better Look
Muscle World offers you state-of-the-art sports nutritional products backed by solid, real science. No glandulars, no trendy concoctions, no boron or deer antler -- just research proven sports nutrition. Our Muscle World Supplements page has more detailed information about each of our products. Plus we're happy to help you with additional information about how to get the best results from their use. Our current focus is on Androstenedione or Androstene.
FACT: Androstenedione has been shown in controlled studies to raise your body's testosterone levels by over 337%! This is very significant and highly desirable to the athlete looking to increase performance, add strength and increase muscle size. Basically, testosterone is the juice which fuels muscle growth and the more you have, the faster you'll grow.
When you increase your testosterone level, you increase your ability to build lean muscle mass and to recover. You also lower the catabolic effects that weight training has on muscle tissue. Quite simply, you get more results from your training.
Why do you think steroids are so popular and effective?What is the Supplement Androstene?Androstene is a new supplement that is considered an "adrenal- androgen" (an androgen produced in the adrenal gland). It's a metabolite of DHEA and has some unique characteristics that make it the most effective testosterone booster known to date.
Androstene will help athletes with less than perfect genetics to build more size and power than previously possible and it will set a new standard in performance enhancement supplementation.
How Does Androstene Work?Androstene exerts its anabolic effect as a result of an enzyme conversion reaction in the liver.
When you use Androstene, an enzyme in the liver acts on the molecular structure of Androstenedione, and through this one reaction converts it almost completely to testosterone. This fact is important, as there are other substances, which convert to testosterone but also convert to estrogens as well.
Estrogens cause the secondary female characteristics which steroids are notorious for. Studies have even shown that a 100-milligram dose of Androstene does not appear to effect luteinizing hormone (LH) or folical stimulating hormone (FSH), therefore it will not suppress your body's natural testosterone production. This means when you stop using the supplement, there will not be a sudden drop in testosterone causing you to gain fat and lose muscle.
This is a real plus.Although further studies need to be performed to see if higher doses of Androstene will effect these two regulating hormones, up to 100 mg per day does not but it does increase testosterone levels over 300%.How Effective?The International Olympic Committee test checks the ratio of testosterone to epitestosterone (T/E).
This ratio is usually 2 or 3 to 1. However, the IOC allows for a ratio as high as 6 to 1. Anything over 6 to 1 is considered a positive for exogenous testosterone (steroid).You could take a 200 milligram injection of testosterone cypionate (commonly used steroid drug) and still maintain a testosterone / epitestosterone ratio of less than 6 to 1. A 100 mg dose of Androstene will result in a T/E ratio of over 13 to 1! These are real and powerful numbers.

To summarize, it looks extremely promising and early results are very impressive. However, there is no magic pill. As with any performance enhancing supplement, your results will still directly depend on what training program you follow. And you still must supply your muscles with the protein and other nutrients required for growth. Maximum muscle growth in the shortest amount of time requires attention to every aspect involved - training, mental approach, proper diet, and the right nutritional supplementation. Every detail is important.Androstene is certainly a supplement scientifically proven to enhance testosterone levels. If you're looking to put on muscle, strength and increase overall sports performance then you need to look at this supplement carefully.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Is Myelofibrosis A Concern For Women Over 50?
Should women over 50 be concerned with Myelofibrosis? A big whopping YES... because Myelofibrosis is a serious condition that affects bone marrow cells and causes them to become fibrous and scarred. Bone marrow plays a vital role in production of blood cells. Therefore, myelofibrosis adversely impacts blood cell production. The number of red blood cells falls significantly, while white blood cell production increases. However, the white blood cells produced are malformed and often ineffective in fighting off infection. Platelets which are instrumental in clotting also fluctuate during the progression of the disease.
The onset of the disease is often gradual and the over 50 woman may not display significant symptoms in the early stages. Anemia as a result of low red blood cell production is often one of the earliest signs that something is amiss. As the bone marrow becomes less effective the spleen and liver take on an increasing role in production of blood cells. Consequently, most women develop splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) and a significant proportion have hepatomegaly (enlarged liver).
Other symptoms include:
Fatigue as a result of anemia.
Shortness of breath.
Painful bones especially in the lower legs.
Night sweats.
Susceptibility to infection from compromised immunity as a result of ineffective white blood cells.
Bruising and bleeding easily.
Pain and tightness below left ribs due to enlarged spleen.
Diagnosis would be made based on physical examination and confirmed by blood tests which reveal tear-drop shaped red blood cells and bone marrow tests showing increased fibrosis.
Even though Myelofibrosis can occur at any age, it is most common among women aged over 50. There is no cure and treatment is focussed mainly on alleviating the effects of the symptoms and slowing down its impact on other organs.
Speed at which the disease progresses varies considerably between individual women with survival ranging from one to fifteen years with an average of around five years.
Complications that can occur include:
Increased pressure in the liver. Enlarged spleen increases blood flow through the portal vein into the liver and can increase the risk of rupture of smaller blood vessels in the stomach and other internal organs. Liver failure is another complication in later stages of myelofibrosis.
Enlarged spleen also results in more platelets being sequestered in the spleen and drawn out of circulation. Reduced platelet count increases clotting times and also increases risk of bleeding and bruising.
Mutated white blood cells leave the immune system unable to combat infection and many opportunistic infections may take hold.
Some women may also develop an acute form of Leukemia which progresses rapidly.
Causes of Myelofibrosis are not known for certain... although there are some factors which appear to be related including:
Exposure to certain toxins such as Benzene and Thorium Dioxide.
It has also been linked with some genetic abnormalities. However, there is no conclusive evidence that it is congenital. In fact the preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that the cell mutation is acquired during the patient's lifetime.
Given that the cause is not known no preventative measures can be prescribed except to avoid exposure to the toxins suspected of having a part to play in development of this disease.
The onset of the disease is often gradual and the over 50 woman may not display significant symptoms in the early stages. Anemia as a result of low red blood cell production is often one of the earliest signs that something is amiss. As the bone marrow becomes less effective the spleen and liver take on an increasing role in production of blood cells. Consequently, most women develop splenomegaly (enlarged spleen) and a significant proportion have hepatomegaly (enlarged liver).
Other symptoms include:
Fatigue as a result of anemia.
Shortness of breath.
Painful bones especially in the lower legs.
Night sweats.
Susceptibility to infection from compromised immunity as a result of ineffective white blood cells.
Bruising and bleeding easily.
Pain and tightness below left ribs due to enlarged spleen.
Diagnosis would be made based on physical examination and confirmed by blood tests which reveal tear-drop shaped red blood cells and bone marrow tests showing increased fibrosis.
Even though Myelofibrosis can occur at any age, it is most common among women aged over 50. There is no cure and treatment is focussed mainly on alleviating the effects of the symptoms and slowing down its impact on other organs.
Speed at which the disease progresses varies considerably between individual women with survival ranging from one to fifteen years with an average of around five years.
Complications that can occur include:
Increased pressure in the liver. Enlarged spleen increases blood flow through the portal vein into the liver and can increase the risk of rupture of smaller blood vessels in the stomach and other internal organs. Liver failure is another complication in later stages of myelofibrosis.
Enlarged spleen also results in more platelets being sequestered in the spleen and drawn out of circulation. Reduced platelet count increases clotting times and also increases risk of bleeding and bruising.
Mutated white blood cells leave the immune system unable to combat infection and many opportunistic infections may take hold.
Some women may also develop an acute form of Leukemia which progresses rapidly.
Causes of Myelofibrosis are not known for certain... although there are some factors which appear to be related including:
Exposure to certain toxins such as Benzene and Thorium Dioxide.
It has also been linked with some genetic abnormalities. However, there is no conclusive evidence that it is congenital. In fact the preponderance of evidence seems to suggest that the cell mutation is acquired during the patient's lifetime.
Given that the cause is not known no preventative measures can be prescribed except to avoid exposure to the toxins suspected of having a part to play in development of this disease.
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