Exercise more and stick to your diet. Weren't those the same resolutions you made last year? And aren't you 10 pounds heavier and more out of shape than ever? Odds are that you set unrealistic goals. Don't give up; focus instead on goals that are more attainable and much less overwhelming when you're a man or woman over 50.
1. Don't eliminate entire food groups.
Giving up sugary foods or eliminating all carbs from your diet may help you lose weight, but such goals are nearly impossible to stick to long-term. Instead, just limit your intake.
2. Take a multivitamin - and women, add calcium.
For an easy, inexpensive bit of dietary insurance, take a multivitamin every day.
And if you're a woman, add a calcium supplement, too. If you're between the ages of 19 and 49, you need about 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily. If you are 50 years of age or over, increase the amount to about 1,200. It's an easy way to prevent osteoporosis and other bone problems that plague women as they age.
3. Add just one more serving of fruits or vegetables every day.
Most of us struggle to get 5 servings, yet health experts recommend upping our intake to get 9 to 13 servings daily. There's no way most of us are going to double our intake of any type of food (well, maybe chocolate). So set a goal of adding just one serving a day. And when that becomes a habit, add another.
4. See the doctor annually.
If you're feeling okay, it's very tempting to pass up having an annual physical. Who has the time, right? But many health concerns can be caught before they become health problems if you get the recommended age-specific and gender-specific checkups.
For most women, that means having a Pap smear and breast evaluation done annually. Pap smear screenings check for cervical cancer, which is highly treatable if caught early.
Both men and women should have their blood pressure checked annually, since high blood pressure is much more common than most people realize. Because you don't feel any symptoms, your heart and other vital organs can be negatively affected for years if you don't have this simple screening.
Men and women over 50 should talk to their doctors about having some sort of screening for colon cancer too, another common cancer that is much easier to treat if detected early.
Talk to your physician about other screenings you might need, based on your age, gender and family history.
5. Add more exercise.
Much like doubling your intake of fruits and veggies, doubling (or more!) your exercise on a daily basis is so unrealistic as to be laughable. If you're a couch potato now, don't set a goal of running 4 miles a day.
Instead, add minor amounts of exercise that add up. Take the stairs. Park further away. Instead of telling yourself you'll walk for an hour, walk for 10 minutes. Almost anyone can fit that amount of exercise into their day, even into their lunch hour. And experts say that 3, 10-minute exercise sessions daily would do most men and women over 50 a world of good.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Bench Press Tips How to Bench Press More

We bench press because, next to the squat, it’s the most fundamental weight-training movement there is. If you had only 15 minutes to train your upper body, you’d do the bench press and maybe some chin-ups. Trying to explain why we like to bench press is like trying to explain why we like sex. So, rather than waste time philosophizing, I decided to spend more time instructing.
First of all, there seems to be an endless debate about what the proper bench-press grip is. There’s a wide-grip school, a medium-grip school, and an in-between grip school. For our purposes here, I want you to try a little test that will help determine the best bench-press grip for you, not Tom, Dick, or Harry. Get on the floor, and without thinking about it, assume your natural push-up position. Have someone measure the distance between your two forefingers. That’s probably your optimum bench-press grip. Remember it, and use it during this program.
This may seem simple and unscientific, but the body will almost always assume the position that gives it the best mechanical advantage. Trust your body.
Here’s another bench press form tip: most people bench press straight up and down, like some flesh-and-blood piston. However, if you were to look at slow-motion films of just about every major powerlifter in the world, you’d notice that they don’t push the bar straight up and down. Instead, they push the bar up and slightly at an angle towards the head. This motion is called the J-lift. Use it.
And, my last suggestion regarding technique concerns arching the back--don’t do it. True, it will almost always improve your bench-press poundage, but the advantage is entirely artificial. When you arch your back, you reduce the distance between your chest and the bar. Doing it will not accelerate muscle growth or increase strength.
I should also mention, briefly, the importance of doing proper warm-ups before doing any of the workouts in this program. This workout involves using very heavy poundage's. In other words, it can be very intense, and if you’re not careful, it can cause injuries to muscles that haven’t been properly warmed up. Try warming up this way: start with the bar. Bench press it five or six times, using a slow, regular tempo. Get up right away, and throw some weight on it. Do about four or five more reps. Keep adding weight and doing low-rep warm-up sets of about four or five reps--doing a higher number of warm-up reps can produce lactic acid and fatigue you before you even start your regular work sets. You don’t need to wait long between warm-up sets, either. Just do another set in the time it takes you to get up, add more weight, and get back on the bench.
Do about four of these warm-up sets, and then rest about three minutes before starting your work sets.
My final piece of general advice regards failure. It seems self-explanatory, but there’s more to failure than just stopping when the weight feels too heavy. Complete failure comes only when you’ve tapped into your hidden reserve of will and strength, and it may come a rep or two after your muscles tell you it’s time to pack up and go home. A strong mind will always beat the body, no matter how strong the body is. Going to true, total failure is a great way to stimulate muscle growth.
First of all, there seems to be an endless debate about what the proper bench-press grip is. There’s a wide-grip school, a medium-grip school, and an in-between grip school. For our purposes here, I want you to try a little test that will help determine the best bench-press grip for you, not Tom, Dick, or Harry. Get on the floor, and without thinking about it, assume your natural push-up position. Have someone measure the distance between your two forefingers. That’s probably your optimum bench-press grip. Remember it, and use it during this program.
This may seem simple and unscientific, but the body will almost always assume the position that gives it the best mechanical advantage. Trust your body.
Here’s another bench press form tip: most people bench press straight up and down, like some flesh-and-blood piston. However, if you were to look at slow-motion films of just about every major powerlifter in the world, you’d notice that they don’t push the bar straight up and down. Instead, they push the bar up and slightly at an angle towards the head. This motion is called the J-lift. Use it.
And, my last suggestion regarding technique concerns arching the back--don’t do it. True, it will almost always improve your bench-press poundage, but the advantage is entirely artificial. When you arch your back, you reduce the distance between your chest and the bar. Doing it will not accelerate muscle growth or increase strength.
I should also mention, briefly, the importance of doing proper warm-ups before doing any of the workouts in this program. This workout involves using very heavy poundage's. In other words, it can be very intense, and if you’re not careful, it can cause injuries to muscles that haven’t been properly warmed up. Try warming up this way: start with the bar. Bench press it five or six times, using a slow, regular tempo. Get up right away, and throw some weight on it. Do about four or five more reps. Keep adding weight and doing low-rep warm-up sets of about four or five reps--doing a higher number of warm-up reps can produce lactic acid and fatigue you before you even start your regular work sets. You don’t need to wait long between warm-up sets, either. Just do another set in the time it takes you to get up, add more weight, and get back on the bench.
Do about four of these warm-up sets, and then rest about three minutes before starting your work sets.
My final piece of general advice regards failure. It seems self-explanatory, but there’s more to failure than just stopping when the weight feels too heavy. Complete failure comes only when you’ve tapped into your hidden reserve of will and strength, and it may come a rep or two after your muscles tell you it’s time to pack up and go home. A strong mind will always beat the body, no matter how strong the body is. Going to true, total failure is a great way to stimulate muscle growth.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Visceral Fat
Visceral fat is the fat around the abdominal organs. Because such fat is under the abdominal muscles, it cannot be detected by pinching the skin over the abdomen. In contrast, subcutaneous fat is located right under the skin and can be detected by a pinch and quantified by using a skinfold-caliper. Unfortunately, visceral fat is the most dangerous kind in that it produces hormones and inflammatory agents. Framingham heart study researchers reported that visceral rather than subcutaneous fat was associated with an indicator of cholesterol deposits in the aorta, the body's main artery.
Fortunately, exercise can have an impact on visceral fat. A study by Gary Hunter Ph.D., of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, showed that, among a group of women who lost an average of 24 lb by dieting, only those who stuck to an aerobic or strength-training exercise program of 40 minutes, twice a week, managed to keep off all of the visceral fat they lost. Those who did not exercise or who quit their exercise programs increased their visceral fat an average of 33% in the year following their weight loss.
Fortunately, exercise can have an impact on visceral fat. A study by Gary Hunter Ph.D., of the University of Alabama at Birmingham, showed that, among a group of women who lost an average of 24 lb by dieting, only those who stuck to an aerobic or strength-training exercise program of 40 minutes, twice a week, managed to keep off all of the visceral fat they lost. Those who did not exercise or who quit their exercise programs increased their visceral fat an average of 33% in the year following their weight loss.
weight loss,
weight training,
Comparing weight training periodization programs
Weight training periodization has been widely recognized by strength and conditioning coaches to be a more effective means of increasing strength than staying with the same combination of repetitions and resistance over an extended period of time. Periodization basically involves making programmed changes from time to time in the number of repetitions performed in each exercise set, along with an increase in barbell weight as repetitions are decreased, and a decrease in barbell weight as repetitions are increased.
Periodization may be of the linear variety, by which the athlete makes progressive changes in the weight/rep combination during every training block of 1 or more weeks. For example the athlete may do 10 reps with a lighter weight for 2 weeks, then 8 reps with increased weight for 2 weeks, then 6 reps with more weight for 2 weeks, followed by 4 reps with even more weight for 2 weeks. A single repetition max lift may then be attempted before returning to the 10-rep scheme. This cycle may be repeated over an extended time period. The athlete generally gets stronger between cycles so that the weight at all repetitions is adjusted upwards, resulting in a continued increase in strength. Even more complex periodization models have been developed by strength coaches. For example, in daily undulating periodization, the athlete may change the repetition/weight scheme within a single week, with other changes occurring over more extended time periods.
A recent article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (Vol 23, no 9, pp 2437-2442, 2009) entitled, “Comparison between linear and daily undulating periodized resistance training to increase strength” by Prestes et al., compared these two regimens using 3 sets per exercise 4 times per week with 20 subjects in each training group. The linear program used 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps for a week each, repeating the entire cycle 3 times for a total of 12 weeks. The daily undulating program used 12 reps for half a week, 10 reps for the second half-week, 8 reps for the first half of the following week, and 6 reps for the second half-week. This pattern was repeated 6 times for a total of 12 weeks.
Although the results did not reach statistical significance because of individual differences in training response, the average increases in isometric strength (bench press, leg press, and arm curl) were considerably greater for the daily undulating periodization group than for the linear periodization group. This supports previous research showing the effectiveness of daily undulating periodization programs.
Periodization may be of the linear variety, by which the athlete makes progressive changes in the weight/rep combination during every training block of 1 or more weeks. For example the athlete may do 10 reps with a lighter weight for 2 weeks, then 8 reps with increased weight for 2 weeks, then 6 reps with more weight for 2 weeks, followed by 4 reps with even more weight for 2 weeks. A single repetition max lift may then be attempted before returning to the 10-rep scheme. This cycle may be repeated over an extended time period. The athlete generally gets stronger between cycles so that the weight at all repetitions is adjusted upwards, resulting in a continued increase in strength. Even more complex periodization models have been developed by strength coaches. For example, in daily undulating periodization, the athlete may change the repetition/weight scheme within a single week, with other changes occurring over more extended time periods.
A recent article in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (Vol 23, no 9, pp 2437-2442, 2009) entitled, “Comparison between linear and daily undulating periodized resistance training to increase strength” by Prestes et al., compared these two regimens using 3 sets per exercise 4 times per week with 20 subjects in each training group. The linear program used 12, 10, 8, and 6 reps for a week each, repeating the entire cycle 3 times for a total of 12 weeks. The daily undulating program used 12 reps for half a week, 10 reps for the second half-week, 8 reps for the first half of the following week, and 6 reps for the second half-week. This pattern was repeated 6 times for a total of 12 weeks.
Although the results did not reach statistical significance because of individual differences in training response, the average increases in isometric strength (bench press, leg press, and arm curl) were considerably greater for the daily undulating periodization group than for the linear periodization group. This supports previous research showing the effectiveness of daily undulating periodization programs.
exercise programs,
weight training,
Friday, December 11, 2009
Breathing and Flexibility Training at Your Desk
Do you have a desk job? I do, and many times sitting all day can really take a physical toll on the body, making us more tired, and less apt to working out or getting the physical activity that our body's naturally crave when you get home.
It seems counterintuitive, but sitting all day actually makes you more tired than if you had been up and about all day because you haven't gotten your blood pumping and the blood becomes oxygen deprived, which makes us feel fatigued, even though we haven't physically exerted ourselves all day.
Like I said, counterintuitive. You'd think you would be bursting with restless energy after sitting at a desk all day in front of a computer, but that is not usually the case.
How many times have you gotten home from your desk job, and felt exhausted, ready to fall into bed or on to the couch and call it a night? Well, there are some little exercises that you can do right at your desk if you don't happen to have a workout facility at your place of employment, or somewhere near to go to get some physical activity in for the day.
One of my favorite moves, with also helps to relieve neck and back pain, and is sort of like a yoga move, is one that focuses on both tightening the tummy and making us sit taller in our chairs, bringing more oxygen to the blood, and rejuvenating the mind.
First, sit up straight in your chair. Be mindful to keep your stomach pressed in, but still keep breathing as smoothly and evenly as possible. Next, imagine your head is spiraling up toward the ceiling, while your shoulders are consciously down, far away from your ears.
As you exhale, expand the belly out. Repeat this several times, breathing smoothly. This should help get your blood circulating and serve as a refresher. Another one, this one more for you lower body, is to increase circulation in the legs, as well as to enhance flexibility in this rarely used area.
It's a simple ankle roll. One foot at a time, imagine your toes are reaching out of their shoes. Rotate the entire foot in one continuous circle, first clockwise ten times, then counterclockwise ten times. At the end, flex your foot and extend it out for about five times to loosen up the arch of the foot as well.
You should notice, even doing this keeps the body warmer by enhancing your circulation. The next stretch is for your lower back. Sitting up straight, imagine again your head is extending in to the sky. Gently twist to one side with your hand on your sacrum, which is the bony part between your back and buttocks.
Be sure to do this one very slowly, and don't kink or twist too hard. Keep the breath fluid, and go slow, and you will find that your body will relax and you can go further into this position. Do this to each side, and hold each pose for about thirty seconds for optimum benefit.
This next one may look a little more obvious, but you should be able to do it with no problems discreetly when no one is looking, and it feels really good because it releases a lot of hip tension, which many of us don't even realize we have.
Sit as if your were going to cross your legs over one another, but don't do it all the way, leaving your ankle on your knee. Next, elevate your bottom leg, which will lift the top leg resting on the bottom leg as well, toward your chest. You may need to back away from your desk for this one.
You should feel an excellent stretch in your outer hip flexor. These definitely are not the only stretching for flexibility exercises you can do at your desk.
You can probably even create some of your own to target your most tense areas, but just be aware not to push to hard and to use your breath to go further into the pose. It's like therapeutic, circulation-enhancing and mind clearing yoga - at your desk!
It seems counterintuitive, but sitting all day actually makes you more tired than if you had been up and about all day because you haven't gotten your blood pumping and the blood becomes oxygen deprived, which makes us feel fatigued, even though we haven't physically exerted ourselves all day.
Like I said, counterintuitive. You'd think you would be bursting with restless energy after sitting at a desk all day in front of a computer, but that is not usually the case.
How many times have you gotten home from your desk job, and felt exhausted, ready to fall into bed or on to the couch and call it a night? Well, there are some little exercises that you can do right at your desk if you don't happen to have a workout facility at your place of employment, or somewhere near to go to get some physical activity in for the day.
One of my favorite moves, with also helps to relieve neck and back pain, and is sort of like a yoga move, is one that focuses on both tightening the tummy and making us sit taller in our chairs, bringing more oxygen to the blood, and rejuvenating the mind.
First, sit up straight in your chair. Be mindful to keep your stomach pressed in, but still keep breathing as smoothly and evenly as possible. Next, imagine your head is spiraling up toward the ceiling, while your shoulders are consciously down, far away from your ears.
As you exhale, expand the belly out. Repeat this several times, breathing smoothly. This should help get your blood circulating and serve as a refresher. Another one, this one more for you lower body, is to increase circulation in the legs, as well as to enhance flexibility in this rarely used area.
It's a simple ankle roll. One foot at a time, imagine your toes are reaching out of their shoes. Rotate the entire foot in one continuous circle, first clockwise ten times, then counterclockwise ten times. At the end, flex your foot and extend it out for about five times to loosen up the arch of the foot as well.
You should notice, even doing this keeps the body warmer by enhancing your circulation. The next stretch is for your lower back. Sitting up straight, imagine again your head is extending in to the sky. Gently twist to one side with your hand on your sacrum, which is the bony part between your back and buttocks.
Be sure to do this one very slowly, and don't kink or twist too hard. Keep the breath fluid, and go slow, and you will find that your body will relax and you can go further into this position. Do this to each side, and hold each pose for about thirty seconds for optimum benefit.
This next one may look a little more obvious, but you should be able to do it with no problems discreetly when no one is looking, and it feels really good because it releases a lot of hip tension, which many of us don't even realize we have.
Sit as if your were going to cross your legs over one another, but don't do it all the way, leaving your ankle on your knee. Next, elevate your bottom leg, which will lift the top leg resting on the bottom leg as well, toward your chest. You may need to back away from your desk for this one.
You should feel an excellent stretch in your outer hip flexor. These definitely are not the only stretching for flexibility exercises you can do at your desk.
You can probably even create some of your own to target your most tense areas, but just be aware not to push to hard and to use your breath to go further into the pose. It's like therapeutic, circulation-enhancing and mind clearing yoga - at your desk!
Strength Training Guides to Lose Weight
Strength training guides are available for every situation, but how do you know which is right for you? Strength training is not just for bodybuilders and weight lifters. It is for everyone who desires a healthy lifestyle.
Any exercise routine should include a strength training component. It doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home mother, an athlete or an office worker; strength training is crucial for internal and external fitness.
Strength Training Guides Brute Force
When you mention the word strength, it evokes images of Charles Atlas and muscular men and women lifting weights for hours in a fitness center. But strength means having a capacity for endurance and exertion.
That definition erases images of brute force and makes it readily apparent that strength training is something that will benefit anyone. Strength training guides are designed to meet every need:
- Athletes who compete regularly
- Weekend sports enthusiasts
- Anyone who wants a healthy lifestyle
- Senior citizens
- People recuperating from illness or injury
- Persons plagued by obesity
- Those who want to supplement their fitness center activities
Even children are candidates for strength training. The fact of the matter is that the sooner you start good exercise habits, the better your health will be over the years.
Many of us wait until there is a problem to begin a strength training program, when it is much more productive to prevent the problem in the first place.
Strength Training Guides Brawn and Brains
So exactly what is strength training? Strength training is muscle development. This does not mean trying to become a world-class weight lifter. What it means is you should be doing exercises that tone and strengthen all muscles groups, including the critical core group in the torso. Strength training is just one component of a fitness program.
A program can include floor and mat target exercises, use of gym equipment and lifting free weights. But it doesn't make sense to just jump into a program without establishing a plan that fits your lifestyle and your goals. Strength training guides fill those purposes.
- Offers complete strength training routines that address your primary goals
- Shows how to progress in a way you do not injure yourself
- Describes how to target specific problem areas such as expanding hips or thighs
- Gives suggestions for compatible nutrition programs
- Shows how to integrate strength training into a full body program
- Helps you individualize your strength training program
Strength training guides do all these things and more. Guides help you avoid the major pitfalls of normal exercise programs. When you use guides to keep you on track, brains and brawn will combine to make a fit body.
Strength Training Guides Robust Vitality
People who are strong mentally, spiritually and physically exude a robust vitality that is catching. Strength training guides put you on the same path of energy. Core strength reduces the chances of heart disease. Muscle tone improves self-esteem.
Physical conditioning helps with stress reduction for peace of mind. Strength training guides you systematically through exercises that are effective. They also assist you with avoiding common mistakes and problems.
- Over training whereby you exhaust muscles to the point they become weak
- Establishing a routine that increases at a programmed pace
- Overworking the same muscles groups
- Plateau'ing
Strength training guides come in many formats, including videos, books, online sites and software programs. There is no reason to implement a strength training program without assistance.
Any exercise routine should include a strength training component. It doesn't matter if you are a stay-at-home mother, an athlete or an office worker; strength training is crucial for internal and external fitness.
Strength Training Guides Brute Force
When you mention the word strength, it evokes images of Charles Atlas and muscular men and women lifting weights for hours in a fitness center. But strength means having a capacity for endurance and exertion.
That definition erases images of brute force and makes it readily apparent that strength training is something that will benefit anyone. Strength training guides are designed to meet every need:
- Athletes who compete regularly
- Weekend sports enthusiasts
- Anyone who wants a healthy lifestyle
- Senior citizens
- People recuperating from illness or injury
- Persons plagued by obesity
- Those who want to supplement their fitness center activities
Even children are candidates for strength training. The fact of the matter is that the sooner you start good exercise habits, the better your health will be over the years.
Many of us wait until there is a problem to begin a strength training program, when it is much more productive to prevent the problem in the first place.
Strength Training Guides Brawn and Brains
So exactly what is strength training? Strength training is muscle development. This does not mean trying to become a world-class weight lifter. What it means is you should be doing exercises that tone and strengthen all muscles groups, including the critical core group in the torso. Strength training is just one component of a fitness program.
A program can include floor and mat target exercises, use of gym equipment and lifting free weights. But it doesn't make sense to just jump into a program without establishing a plan that fits your lifestyle and your goals. Strength training guides fill those purposes.
- Offers complete strength training routines that address your primary goals
- Shows how to progress in a way you do not injure yourself
- Describes how to target specific problem areas such as expanding hips or thighs
- Gives suggestions for compatible nutrition programs
- Shows how to integrate strength training into a full body program
- Helps you individualize your strength training program
Strength training guides do all these things and more. Guides help you avoid the major pitfalls of normal exercise programs. When you use guides to keep you on track, brains and brawn will combine to make a fit body.
Strength Training Guides Robust Vitality
People who are strong mentally, spiritually and physically exude a robust vitality that is catching. Strength training guides put you on the same path of energy. Core strength reduces the chances of heart disease. Muscle tone improves self-esteem.
Physical conditioning helps with stress reduction for peace of mind. Strength training guides you systematically through exercises that are effective. They also assist you with avoiding common mistakes and problems.
- Over training whereby you exhaust muscles to the point they become weak
- Establishing a routine that increases at a programmed pace
- Overworking the same muscles groups
- Plateau'ing
Strength training guides come in many formats, including videos, books, online sites and software programs. There is no reason to implement a strength training program without assistance.
Tips To Improve Treadmill Workouts
Your home treadmill should be a source for cardiovascular fitness and fat loss, not another place to hang your clothes. If your treadmill is lonely and gathering dust, this article will help you to realize its full potential.Try these tips to improve the effectiveness of your home treadmill.
1. Videotape your favorite TV shows and get on the treadmill to watch them. Wear wireless headphones if your family complains about the noise. It's a lot of fun to enjoy your favorite TV show while on the treadmill. Time goes by much faster, and you can get 2 things done at the same time!
2. Rent or borrow long movies to watch in hour segments. Can you think of a better way to boost your exercise intensity than watching short bursts of your favorite movies?
3. Hang a motivational poster. Something like "You become a success the moment you start moving toward your goal" can make you feel great every time you step on the treadmill. The motivation does not necessarily have to be exercise related, and can be work or family related. For example, you may want to have pictures of Oprah Winfrey, your own pictures when you were younger, or business goals on a chart to motivate you.
4. Talk to friends or family with a phone headset that allows you to swing your arms freely. If you have to be on the phone, use a headset. This allows free arm movement (arm swinging) while your legs are moving alternately.
5. Consider reading without interruption. Keep your private time private. Big-print books may be easier on your eyes. Get a reading rack to hold your material at your sporting goods store.
7. Hang a size-too-small article of clothing in front of your treadmill. Your mind is challenged to fit into those clothes, which will make your time on the treadmill all the more intense and focussed.
8. Turn on a music channel to power-up your workout, or listen to audio books. You can even burn your own audio cds, which can dictate the pace of your workout. Mix up slow and fast music to change the intensity of the music and your own exercise session.
9. Complete some household chores while on the treadmill - Load up the washer and dryer and walk until the clothes are finished, set the vegetables to roast on a slow cooker. This makes your treadmill timer your oven timer - walk until dinner's ready.
10. Use treadmill time for reflection, meditation, etc. Recall aspects of your day and plan the next. The treadmill is a great way to reflect, because your body continues to burn calories while your mind is relaxed and gently rejuvenating itself for the day gone by, or the day ahead.
1. Videotape your favorite TV shows and get on the treadmill to watch them. Wear wireless headphones if your family complains about the noise. It's a lot of fun to enjoy your favorite TV show while on the treadmill. Time goes by much faster, and you can get 2 things done at the same time!
2. Rent or borrow long movies to watch in hour segments. Can you think of a better way to boost your exercise intensity than watching short bursts of your favorite movies?
3. Hang a motivational poster. Something like "You become a success the moment you start moving toward your goal" can make you feel great every time you step on the treadmill. The motivation does not necessarily have to be exercise related, and can be work or family related. For example, you may want to have pictures of Oprah Winfrey, your own pictures when you were younger, or business goals on a chart to motivate you.
4. Talk to friends or family with a phone headset that allows you to swing your arms freely. If you have to be on the phone, use a headset. This allows free arm movement (arm swinging) while your legs are moving alternately.
5. Consider reading without interruption. Keep your private time private. Big-print books may be easier on your eyes. Get a reading rack to hold your material at your sporting goods store.
7. Hang a size-too-small article of clothing in front of your treadmill. Your mind is challenged to fit into those clothes, which will make your time on the treadmill all the more intense and focussed.
8. Turn on a music channel to power-up your workout, or listen to audio books. You can even burn your own audio cds, which can dictate the pace of your workout. Mix up slow and fast music to change the intensity of the music and your own exercise session.
9. Complete some household chores while on the treadmill - Load up the washer and dryer and walk until the clothes are finished, set the vegetables to roast on a slow cooker. This makes your treadmill timer your oven timer - walk until dinner's ready.
10. Use treadmill time for reflection, meditation, etc. Recall aspects of your day and plan the next. The treadmill is a great way to reflect, because your body continues to burn calories while your mind is relaxed and gently rejuvenating itself for the day gone by, or the day ahead.
The Ultimate 30 Minute Home Workout
Home exercise is one of my favorite ways to get in shape, since I began working out at home (could not afford a gym membership). Working out at home involves choosing the right home fitness equipment, and it's sad that the buyer recieved inadequate information about diet and exercise.
No wonder people tend to get frustrated. No wonder the equipment turns into an EXPENSIVE clothes hanger.
There is a simple solution for those who cannot get to a gym, live too far away, or just don't want to go to a club and want a fast, effective workout. Here are the steps you need to take to ensure results.
STEP 1: Invest in dumbbells and a bench. If you've got a few bucks, go to a fitness equipment dealer and get some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. For women, start with 3's, 5's, 8's, 10's, 12's, and 15 lb. db's. For the guys, go to 50's (in increments of 5 lb. per db).
STEP 2: Set up your workout space. Basements seem to be a popular choice, bedrooms are a distant second. Whatever you choose is fine. Also, so that you can make sure you're doing your exercise correctly, put a full-length mirror on your wall, or get one. Your choice. No one else is watching you but you, so if you want better results (and safety!), put up a mirror.
STEP 3: Set aside 30 minutes at least four times a week, to do your strength training. You can go up to 6 days if you want - just be sure you're splitting up your body parts accordingly. For instance, one day you do back, chest, biceps, and calves; the next day do shoulders, triceps, legs, and abs. Use a similar arrangement for the 4-day workout. It doesn't matter when you do it during the day, as long as you get the workout in.
STEP 4: The dumbbell strength training routine. Here are the best dumbbell exercises to do - the ones that get the most muscle worked in the least amount of time:
Back - Db bent over row
Grab a pair of db's (use common sense for how much weight); hold them at your sides while standing straight up. Pull your shoulders back, and stick your butt out as you bend forward. Your back should be nice and flat. When your upper body is parallel to the ground with arms straight, you're in the starting position. Now, picture yourself rowing a boat. Use that action to pull the db's up and back, towards your hips. Lower and repeat, in control.
Chest - Db flat bench press
Grab your db's and lie down on the bench, with your lower back pressed into the cushion. Lower the db's until they're directly beside your chest, push up and in an arc until they're above your chest. Feel the stretch at the bottom, feel your chest muscles working as you go up. Lower and repeat.
Legs - Db squat (guys) or Lunge (women)
For the squat: db's are at your sides. When you lower yourself, pretend you're sitting down on a chair. Be sure to stay on your heels, and keep your torso tight to support your spine. When you can feel yourself bending too far forward as you go down, that's your signal to push back up.
For lunges: db's at your sides. Keeping your torso rigid as a 2x4, take a big step forward with one leg. After your foot has planted, lower your hips until you're just about to touch the ground with your trailing knee - without actually touching. Push back with your front leg. Do all your reps with one leg before switching.
Shoulders - Standing db shoulder press
Standing with your abs nice and tight to support your spine, raise the dumbbells until they're even with your ears. You should see in the mirror a straight line from your left elbow to your right elbow. Push the db's over your head in an arc - be sure to keep the db's moving ABOVE your head, not in front.
Calves - standing calf raise on basement step
Place both feet on the step so that you're positioned on the balls of your feet. Keep your legs straight, abs tight, butt tucked in. Lower your heels to the ground maintaining that tight position with the rest of your body. Raise up as far as you can, up to your tippy-toes. Lower and repeat.
Biceps - db standing curl
Your arms should be straight, holding the db's with your palms facing forward. Place your arms at your sides, and then raise the db's, bending ONLY your elbows. Keep your back and shoulders out of it. Bend the elbow, straighten the arm.
Triceps - db triceps kickback
Take the same position as the bent over row I mentioned a moment ago. Raise your arms to your sides, and then keep them there. From that position (your elbows should be bent at 90 deg.), straighten your arms until they're straight as an arrow. Bend your elbows (but keep your arms up!), and then straighten your arms. It's just the reverse action of db standing curls.
Abs See 90 Seconds To Flatter Abs
Ultimately you'll be able to finish a complete workout even WITHIN 30 minutes! Get to work!
STEP 5: Focus on what you DO, rather than what you haven't done. Stop beating yourself up if you only get three workouts in a week, instead of 4, 5, or 6. If you haven't been working out consistently lately, that's three more workouts that you've done in a long time, isn't it? Be easy on yourself and build up over time. It's the way I went from being a 280 lb teenager to a 200 lb full-time personal trainer in less than 2 years!
No wonder people tend to get frustrated. No wonder the equipment turns into an EXPENSIVE clothes hanger.
There is a simple solution for those who cannot get to a gym, live too far away, or just don't want to go to a club and want a fast, effective workout. Here are the steps you need to take to ensure results.
STEP 1: Invest in dumbbells and a bench. If you've got a few bucks, go to a fitness equipment dealer and get some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. For women, start with 3's, 5's, 8's, 10's, 12's, and 15 lb. db's. For the guys, go to 50's (in increments of 5 lb. per db).
STEP 2: Set up your workout space. Basements seem to be a popular choice, bedrooms are a distant second. Whatever you choose is fine. Also, so that you can make sure you're doing your exercise correctly, put a full-length mirror on your wall, or get one. Your choice. No one else is watching you but you, so if you want better results (and safety!), put up a mirror.
STEP 3: Set aside 30 minutes at least four times a week, to do your strength training. You can go up to 6 days if you want - just be sure you're splitting up your body parts accordingly. For instance, one day you do back, chest, biceps, and calves; the next day do shoulders, triceps, legs, and abs. Use a similar arrangement for the 4-day workout. It doesn't matter when you do it during the day, as long as you get the workout in.
STEP 4: The dumbbell strength training routine. Here are the best dumbbell exercises to do - the ones that get the most muscle worked in the least amount of time:
Back - Db bent over row
Grab a pair of db's (use common sense for how much weight); hold them at your sides while standing straight up. Pull your shoulders back, and stick your butt out as you bend forward. Your back should be nice and flat. When your upper body is parallel to the ground with arms straight, you're in the starting position. Now, picture yourself rowing a boat. Use that action to pull the db's up and back, towards your hips. Lower and repeat, in control.
Chest - Db flat bench press
Grab your db's and lie down on the bench, with your lower back pressed into the cushion. Lower the db's until they're directly beside your chest, push up and in an arc until they're above your chest. Feel the stretch at the bottom, feel your chest muscles working as you go up. Lower and repeat.
Legs - Db squat (guys) or Lunge (women)
For the squat: db's are at your sides. When you lower yourself, pretend you're sitting down on a chair. Be sure to stay on your heels, and keep your torso tight to support your spine. When you can feel yourself bending too far forward as you go down, that's your signal to push back up.
For lunges: db's at your sides. Keeping your torso rigid as a 2x4, take a big step forward with one leg. After your foot has planted, lower your hips until you're just about to touch the ground with your trailing knee - without actually touching. Push back with your front leg. Do all your reps with one leg before switching.
Shoulders - Standing db shoulder press
Standing with your abs nice and tight to support your spine, raise the dumbbells until they're even with your ears. You should see in the mirror a straight line from your left elbow to your right elbow. Push the db's over your head in an arc - be sure to keep the db's moving ABOVE your head, not in front.
Calves - standing calf raise on basement step
Place both feet on the step so that you're positioned on the balls of your feet. Keep your legs straight, abs tight, butt tucked in. Lower your heels to the ground maintaining that tight position with the rest of your body. Raise up as far as you can, up to your tippy-toes. Lower and repeat.
Biceps - db standing curl
Your arms should be straight, holding the db's with your palms facing forward. Place your arms at your sides, and then raise the db's, bending ONLY your elbows. Keep your back and shoulders out of it. Bend the elbow, straighten the arm.
Triceps - db triceps kickback
Take the same position as the bent over row I mentioned a moment ago. Raise your arms to your sides, and then keep them there. From that position (your elbows should be bent at 90 deg.), straighten your arms until they're straight as an arrow. Bend your elbows (but keep your arms up!), and then straighten your arms. It's just the reverse action of db standing curls.
Abs See 90 Seconds To Flatter Abs
Ultimately you'll be able to finish a complete workout even WITHIN 30 minutes! Get to work!
STEP 5: Focus on what you DO, rather than what you haven't done. Stop beating yourself up if you only get three workouts in a week, instead of 4, 5, or 6. If you haven't been working out consistently lately, that's three more workouts that you've done in a long time, isn't it? Be easy on yourself and build up over time. It's the way I went from being a 280 lb teenager to a 200 lb full-time personal trainer in less than 2 years!
Top 10 Exercises Without Weights
If you hate to go to the gym, you are not alone. The good news is - you can get results in the comfort of your own home with some simple home exercises.
Bodyweight training CAN be effective. It CAN be a substitute for weights, if necessary. Training using your own body weight as a source of resistance is a time tested technique to get results fast.
Here are the ten best bodyweight training exercises that give you great workouts and great results - without the gym.
1. Supine Pull-Ups (works major muscles in back, shoulders, and biceps) Use two chairs and a pole - a heavy broom handle works well. WARNING: make sure the chairs are stable and that the broom handle is strong enough to take your weight. You could be SEVERELY injured if the pole were to break or the chairs to slip. Lie on your back underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a wide overhand grip. Pull up. Lower and repeat for 6-8 reps.
2. Supine Biceps Pull-Ups (biceps, some back) Use the same chairs-and-pole arrangement from #1. Sit underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a reverse grip (palms facing you), hands about shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body upright, pull up until your chin just clears the bar. Focus on the tension in your biceps, trying to relax the rest of your body. 6-8 reps.
3. Push-Ups (chest, triceps, shoulders) The key when targeting the chest with Push-Ups is the direction in which your elbows travel. As with bench presses, the elbows must move AWAY FROM THE BODY to target your chest, and be kept CLOSE TO THE BODY to target the triceps. Place each hand just outside your shoulders, slightly behind the line of your shoulders. Hands pointing straight ahead, upper body rigid as a board. 6-15 reps.
4. Tent Push-Ups (primarily upper chest) Assume the position in #3, but walk your feet forward so your body is bent at the waist, and your hips are up high in the air. Bending at the elbows, lower yourself until your nose touches the floor. Push up. Repeat. 6-8 reps.
5. Push-Ups, Triceps Position (you guessed it - triceps, and some chest) Begin with fingers facing forward in position from #3, hands slightly LESS than shoulder width apart. Lower your body to the floor keeping arms in against your body. Push up. 6-8 reps.
6. Triceps Dips With Chairs With your hands behind your back, support yourself on your palms at the edge of a chair. Your hands should be touching; your elbows should angle outward. Dipping in this position relieves a lot of stress on the elbow and shoulder joints. Lower yourself, keeping your back close to the chair. Bend your elbows back and slightly to the sides. Keep your body angled slightly forward throughout the motion. Press yourself up until your arms are straight. 6-15 reps.
7. One-Legged Squats (front thighs, glutes, hamstrings) Stand perpendicular to a wall, about arm's length away from it. Extend your arm out to the side and place your palm against the wall at just under shoulder-height. Angle the foot farthest from the wall at 45 degrees. Bend the other leg back. Keeping your body upright, lower yourself until the non-weight-bearing knee is close to (but not touching) the ground. Support yourself by leaning against the wall. Press yourself back up to starting position. Repeat 6-8 reps.
8. One-Legged Hamstring Bridges Lie on your back with one leg extended, heel on the ground. Hold the other leg up off the floor. Pushing through your heel, flex your hamstrings to lift your body. Lower and repeat for 8-10 reps. Repeat with other leg. You can control the resistance and the degree to which the glutes contribute by changing the distance you place your heel relative to your butt.
9. Lunges Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect. Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor - never let the knee touch the floor. To return to the start, push off with your forward leg and then step back when the knee is completely straight. Repeat with other leg, 10-15 reps each leg.
10. Stair Running
Stair running isn't usually considered a resistance exercise, and in fact, it makes hefty demands on your cardiovascular system. However, it also does an incredible job of conditioning the lower body. If your knees are in good shape, try doing 10-20 one-story sprints, preferably two stairs at a time. As you get stronger, work up the number slowly, keep one hand on the stair rail to catch yourself if you lose your balance. Give yourself a bigger challenge by wearing a backpack filled with nice and heavy books.
Bodyweight training CAN be effective. It CAN be a substitute for weights, if necessary. Training using your own body weight as a source of resistance is a time tested technique to get results fast.
Here are the ten best bodyweight training exercises that give you great workouts and great results - without the gym.
1. Supine Pull-Ups (works major muscles in back, shoulders, and biceps) Use two chairs and a pole - a heavy broom handle works well. WARNING: make sure the chairs are stable and that the broom handle is strong enough to take your weight. You could be SEVERELY injured if the pole were to break or the chairs to slip. Lie on your back underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a wide overhand grip. Pull up. Lower and repeat for 6-8 reps.
2. Supine Biceps Pull-Ups (biceps, some back) Use the same chairs-and-pole arrangement from #1. Sit underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a reverse grip (palms facing you), hands about shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body upright, pull up until your chin just clears the bar. Focus on the tension in your biceps, trying to relax the rest of your body. 6-8 reps.
3. Push-Ups (chest, triceps, shoulders) The key when targeting the chest with Push-Ups is the direction in which your elbows travel. As with bench presses, the elbows must move AWAY FROM THE BODY to target your chest, and be kept CLOSE TO THE BODY to target the triceps. Place each hand just outside your shoulders, slightly behind the line of your shoulders. Hands pointing straight ahead, upper body rigid as a board. 6-15 reps.
4. Tent Push-Ups (primarily upper chest) Assume the position in #3, but walk your feet forward so your body is bent at the waist, and your hips are up high in the air. Bending at the elbows, lower yourself until your nose touches the floor. Push up. Repeat. 6-8 reps.
5. Push-Ups, Triceps Position (you guessed it - triceps, and some chest) Begin with fingers facing forward in position from #3, hands slightly LESS than shoulder width apart. Lower your body to the floor keeping arms in against your body. Push up. 6-8 reps.
6. Triceps Dips With Chairs With your hands behind your back, support yourself on your palms at the edge of a chair. Your hands should be touching; your elbows should angle outward. Dipping in this position relieves a lot of stress on the elbow and shoulder joints. Lower yourself, keeping your back close to the chair. Bend your elbows back and slightly to the sides. Keep your body angled slightly forward throughout the motion. Press yourself up until your arms are straight. 6-15 reps.
7. One-Legged Squats (front thighs, glutes, hamstrings) Stand perpendicular to a wall, about arm's length away from it. Extend your arm out to the side and place your palm against the wall at just under shoulder-height. Angle the foot farthest from the wall at 45 degrees. Bend the other leg back. Keeping your body upright, lower yourself until the non-weight-bearing knee is close to (but not touching) the ground. Support yourself by leaning against the wall. Press yourself back up to starting position. Repeat 6-8 reps.
8. One-Legged Hamstring Bridges Lie on your back with one leg extended, heel on the ground. Hold the other leg up off the floor. Pushing through your heel, flex your hamstrings to lift your body. Lower and repeat for 8-10 reps. Repeat with other leg. You can control the resistance and the degree to which the glutes contribute by changing the distance you place your heel relative to your butt.
9. Lunges Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect. Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor - never let the knee touch the floor. To return to the start, push off with your forward leg and then step back when the knee is completely straight. Repeat with other leg, 10-15 reps each leg.
10. Stair Running
Stair running isn't usually considered a resistance exercise, and in fact, it makes hefty demands on your cardiovascular system. However, it also does an incredible job of conditioning the lower body. If your knees are in good shape, try doing 10-20 one-story sprints, preferably two stairs at a time. As you get stronger, work up the number slowly, keep one hand on the stair rail to catch yourself if you lose your balance. Give yourself a bigger challenge by wearing a backpack filled with nice and heavy books.
Targeted Ab Workouts for Sexy Strong Abs
Your choice of ab workouts can mean the difference between great progress and definite results in your abdominal area or not getting any results at all and possibly being injured.
There are hundreds of muscles in the torso - the abdominals (all layers), lower and mid back, pelvic region, obliques and the popular 'love handle' areas are loaded with muscles of all different sizes, shapes, lengths and angles - which require specific ab exercises to produce the desired effect for optimal fitness.
The following exercises can serve as an abdominal training primer for beginners or they can be added or substituted into your current abs workout routine.
1 Lying face up, hand down at your side. Bring your legs up, knees slightly bent with the bottom of your feet toward the ceiling. This is your start position. While keeping the abdominals pulled in (contracted), slowly lower your right leg, until the heel touches the ground, and then raise it back up. Do this fifteen times. Then switch legs.
2 Lying face up with knees bent, feet off the floor. Arms are extended as if reaching toward the sky if you were standing. As you breathe out, slowly bring your knees toward you by contracting your abdominals (pulling inward). Then breathe in as you return to the start position.
3 - Lying face up with knees bent, heels on the ground and toes pointing up. Lift your butt off the ground, and pull your stomach in (contract the abs) to engage the core muscles. Now, here is where the fun starts. Lift one foot off the floor, extending that leg until it is straight, bring it back to the start position (heel on ground) and then do the same with the other leg. Keep alternating until you do a total of twenty reps, ten on each side.
If this exercise sequence is too easy, go through it again and see how you do. If it was too challenging, decrease the number of repetitions to about five and do this every other day. Gradually increase the repetitions as your core gets stronger.
A big mistake many people, even trainers, make is to mimic the abdominal routines of bodybuilders or power-lifters.
The problem with that is most people are not bodybuilders or power-lifters - and these people tend to over-train anyway (I know this because I used to do it myself!). The problems here range from a lot of wasted time to serious, long term injuries.
This happens every day to people who try to exercise without proper guidance and its one the reasons why physical therapists are so busy!
Proper ab workouts must be designed to provide the most effective exercise training stimulus to the entire midsection, in the shortest amount of time, with minimal risk of injury. The problem is it is extremely rare to find an abdominal and core exercise program that meets all of these criteria.
Structure your own workouts according to the principles outlined above, with the proper selection of ab exercises for effective and safe results.
There are hundreds of muscles in the torso - the abdominals (all layers), lower and mid back, pelvic region, obliques and the popular 'love handle' areas are loaded with muscles of all different sizes, shapes, lengths and angles - which require specific ab exercises to produce the desired effect for optimal fitness.
The following exercises can serve as an abdominal training primer for beginners or they can be added or substituted into your current abs workout routine.
1 Lying face up, hand down at your side. Bring your legs up, knees slightly bent with the bottom of your feet toward the ceiling. This is your start position. While keeping the abdominals pulled in (contracted), slowly lower your right leg, until the heel touches the ground, and then raise it back up. Do this fifteen times. Then switch legs.
2 Lying face up with knees bent, feet off the floor. Arms are extended as if reaching toward the sky if you were standing. As you breathe out, slowly bring your knees toward you by contracting your abdominals (pulling inward). Then breathe in as you return to the start position.
3 - Lying face up with knees bent, heels on the ground and toes pointing up. Lift your butt off the ground, and pull your stomach in (contract the abs) to engage the core muscles. Now, here is where the fun starts. Lift one foot off the floor, extending that leg until it is straight, bring it back to the start position (heel on ground) and then do the same with the other leg. Keep alternating until you do a total of twenty reps, ten on each side.
If this exercise sequence is too easy, go through it again and see how you do. If it was too challenging, decrease the number of repetitions to about five and do this every other day. Gradually increase the repetitions as your core gets stronger.
A big mistake many people, even trainers, make is to mimic the abdominal routines of bodybuilders or power-lifters.
The problem with that is most people are not bodybuilders or power-lifters - and these people tend to over-train anyway (I know this because I used to do it myself!). The problems here range from a lot of wasted time to serious, long term injuries.
This happens every day to people who try to exercise without proper guidance and its one the reasons why physical therapists are so busy!
Proper ab workouts must be designed to provide the most effective exercise training stimulus to the entire midsection, in the shortest amount of time, with minimal risk of injury. The problem is it is extremely rare to find an abdominal and core exercise program that meets all of these criteria.
Structure your own workouts according to the principles outlined above, with the proper selection of ab exercises for effective and safe results.
Various Dimensions for Home Gym Design
Designing a home gym is more than simply trying to think of what equipment you'll want to get. You have to consider the size of the room, it's placement in the house, and then work your equipment around these parameters. Knowing the room dimensions of your home gym gives you a more accurate assessment of what you can do with it. Here are a few of the common dimensions of home gyms based on the types of rooms people usually convert into an exercise room, and some ideas for what you can do with them.
Primary Considerations - most people will at least take into account the floor space available when determining the room dimensions for their home gyms. However, you also have to take into account three other factors that help determine the room's usability: One, consider the ceiling clearance. If you get equipment that's too tall for your room, you're in trouble. Two, consider the entry way of the room. Buying a piece of equipment that won't even fit through the door of your gym room is a quick way to guarantee a headache. Three, look at the general shape of the room. This is generally where it gets tricky, and the entries below deal with some of the more difficult types encountered aside from the "average" room.
Small Rooms - generally small, apartment room sized places, these are square in size and can be walked across in a few quick paces. At best you'll be able to fit ONE jungle gym unit here, given the room dimensions of this type of home gym, though for the sake of convenience it's actually a better idea to stick to light, hand carryable equipment like push up bars, sit up mats, and dumbells. Avoid barbells which might require large weight racks, as this will take up too much space and can cause injury if the rack spills, as the small size of the room almost guarantees the heavy plates will fall on someone...
Expansive Rooms - this is not a problem. These are large square or rectangular rooms with lots of space. Allocating equipment based on the room dimensions of this type of home gym is pretty easy. Place your equipment in areas by segments. For example, a treadmill in one corner, a jungle gym in another, a punching bag in a third, etc. I'd recommend leaving the center of the room open with some mats for calisthenics and other exercises, and having one wall free of equipment and housing full length mirrors.
Basement Gyms - these gyms are converted from basements, and the dimensions of this type of home gym are usually "large" types too. However, two considerations must be taken regarding dimensions of basement rooms. One is that their entry points are marked by stairs. Avoid placing equipment near the stairs, as gym gear is often marked by the presence of a lot of heavy metal. People tripping down the stairs will suffer serious injury if they land on a barbell weight rack, for example. The second consideration is ventilation. Basements are underground, so there won't be any windows. Use artificial air cyclers like an AC or basement dehumidifier with air temperature settings to keep air cycling fresh in the room.
Hallway Type Gyms - some people use portions of their house more akin to long, narrow hallways than actual rooms. The dimensions of this type of gym room are usually just wide enough for two people to walk comfortably abreast, and are long enough for a brief sprint. If this is your type of room, any sort of weights training equipment is off the list. Matting the room and using it for calisthenic exercises is the best idea, and if the length of the room is enough, you can practise brief sprints across it. For martial artists and fencers, this is an ideal specialized type of sparring room where lunging and retreating sparring can be practised exclusively as both fighters will be unable to use flanking and sidestepping techniques.
Odd Shaped Rooms - if your room dimensions for your planned home gym are irregular, with nooks and crannies where closets used to be and such, then plan your gym according to the average floor space of the main area itself. The smaller cubbyholes can be used for storing equipment like barbell racks, lockers for clothing, wate coolers, and the like, but restrict your plans for the main gym equipment to the floor and ceiling space of the main center of the room.
Garage Gyms - lastly, some people use their garage as a home gym. The dimensions of this type may seem roomy at first, but you have to consider that the garage will have other things occupying it, not the least of which will be the family car and any home improvement type work benches and their corresponding power tool racks. Take all of the extra items that will be in the garage into account before picking up any equipment. After all, you really don't want to be pumping iron less than 5 feet away from your sedan...
Primary Considerations - most people will at least take into account the floor space available when determining the room dimensions for their home gyms. However, you also have to take into account three other factors that help determine the room's usability: One, consider the ceiling clearance. If you get equipment that's too tall for your room, you're in trouble. Two, consider the entry way of the room. Buying a piece of equipment that won't even fit through the door of your gym room is a quick way to guarantee a headache. Three, look at the general shape of the room. This is generally where it gets tricky, and the entries below deal with some of the more difficult types encountered aside from the "average" room.
Small Rooms - generally small, apartment room sized places, these are square in size and can be walked across in a few quick paces. At best you'll be able to fit ONE jungle gym unit here, given the room dimensions of this type of home gym, though for the sake of convenience it's actually a better idea to stick to light, hand carryable equipment like push up bars, sit up mats, and dumbells. Avoid barbells which might require large weight racks, as this will take up too much space and can cause injury if the rack spills, as the small size of the room almost guarantees the heavy plates will fall on someone...
Expansive Rooms - this is not a problem. These are large square or rectangular rooms with lots of space. Allocating equipment based on the room dimensions of this type of home gym is pretty easy. Place your equipment in areas by segments. For example, a treadmill in one corner, a jungle gym in another, a punching bag in a third, etc. I'd recommend leaving the center of the room open with some mats for calisthenics and other exercises, and having one wall free of equipment and housing full length mirrors.
Basement Gyms - these gyms are converted from basements, and the dimensions of this type of home gym are usually "large" types too. However, two considerations must be taken regarding dimensions of basement rooms. One is that their entry points are marked by stairs. Avoid placing equipment near the stairs, as gym gear is often marked by the presence of a lot of heavy metal. People tripping down the stairs will suffer serious injury if they land on a barbell weight rack, for example. The second consideration is ventilation. Basements are underground, so there won't be any windows. Use artificial air cyclers like an AC or basement dehumidifier with air temperature settings to keep air cycling fresh in the room.
Hallway Type Gyms - some people use portions of their house more akin to long, narrow hallways than actual rooms. The dimensions of this type of gym room are usually just wide enough for two people to walk comfortably abreast, and are long enough for a brief sprint. If this is your type of room, any sort of weights training equipment is off the list. Matting the room and using it for calisthenic exercises is the best idea, and if the length of the room is enough, you can practise brief sprints across it. For martial artists and fencers, this is an ideal specialized type of sparring room where lunging and retreating sparring can be practised exclusively as both fighters will be unable to use flanking and sidestepping techniques.
Odd Shaped Rooms - if your room dimensions for your planned home gym are irregular, with nooks and crannies where closets used to be and such, then plan your gym according to the average floor space of the main area itself. The smaller cubbyholes can be used for storing equipment like barbell racks, lockers for clothing, wate coolers, and the like, but restrict your plans for the main gym equipment to the floor and ceiling space of the main center of the room.
Garage Gyms - lastly, some people use their garage as a home gym. The dimensions of this type may seem roomy at first, but you have to consider that the garage will have other things occupying it, not the least of which will be the family car and any home improvement type work benches and their corresponding power tool racks. Take all of the extra items that will be in the garage into account before picking up any equipment. After all, you really don't want to be pumping iron less than 5 feet away from your sedan...
How To Exercise In the Morning Consistently
If you're one of those rare breed of humans, it's a time when you bounce out of bed prepared for exercise, feeling energetic, mentally sharp, and ready to give the world a good dose of yourself, than you don't need to read this article - just kidding!
But... If you're like most people, you get up in the morning with an "oh, no not again!" attitude and hazy vision that only a shower, black coffee, and a few hours of being upright will cure. On top of that, morning is usually a study in hurried chaos. You hit the snooze button one too many times. You try to find clothes that match. You just did a load of whites, but you can't find a pair of socks. You forgot where you put your checkbook and the keys.
Is this a time to be working out? Are you kidding, you say, absolutely out of the question. You know what? The morning hours may by the best time for a "busy person's workout." You just have to learn how to plan a morning exercise routine, and then stick with the plan. Here's your wake-up call.
Try these techniques to make time for a morning workout. Set your alarm clock to go off 15 minutes earlier. NOTE: give yourself 1-2 weeks to adjust to your new wake-up time, then set it back another 15 minutes. Now you've just added a hour to your day that you can completely devote to your A.M. workout. But you must make sure you give your body time to adjust to your new schedule. Setting your alarm back 30 minutes is too much of a shock to your system.
Go to bed earlier once you're committed to morning workouts, don't expect to be able to go to bed at midnight like you used to. Put simply, if you're getting up earlier, go to bed earlier. (Some people have a problem with that.) You're better off cashing it in earlier than watching your favorite late night comedy show.
Get ready the night before. Normally, you waste a lot of time if you roll out of bed, stumble to the bathroom, take a shower, put your clothes on, then to the kitchen for some coffee and a quick eat-on-the-way-out-the-door breakfast. Once you think about your morning routine, you may find dozens of little things you could do the night before to give yourself some extra time for a morning workout. For example:
A coffee maker with a timer you set before going to bed
Making your lunch
Setting your keys, checkbook, and briefcase by the door so you don't have to look for them
These will save you minutes in the morning - and it only takes a few minutes to add another set of reps or another mile to your workout.
Consider going to bed in your workout clothes! Go to bed in shorts and a T-shirt (or if it's cold, sweatpants and a T-shirt). Then, when the alarm goes off, get out of bed, jump into your shoes, and you're ready to go. While you're at it, get your work clothes ready, too. If you work out at a gym, pack them in the car so they're ready to go.
One of the best ways to stick to a morning exercise routine is to go to bed and get up the same time each day, even on weekends. Sleeping in more than an hour will throw you completely out of whack. Once your timing is down, STICK WITH IT. You will be rewarded with a body and mind that functions smoothly - almost like clockwork.
But... If you're like most people, you get up in the morning with an "oh, no not again!" attitude and hazy vision that only a shower, black coffee, and a few hours of being upright will cure. On top of that, morning is usually a study in hurried chaos. You hit the snooze button one too many times. You try to find clothes that match. You just did a load of whites, but you can't find a pair of socks. You forgot where you put your checkbook and the keys.
Is this a time to be working out? Are you kidding, you say, absolutely out of the question. You know what? The morning hours may by the best time for a "busy person's workout." You just have to learn how to plan a morning exercise routine, and then stick with the plan. Here's your wake-up call.
Try these techniques to make time for a morning workout. Set your alarm clock to go off 15 minutes earlier. NOTE: give yourself 1-2 weeks to adjust to your new wake-up time, then set it back another 15 minutes. Now you've just added a hour to your day that you can completely devote to your A.M. workout. But you must make sure you give your body time to adjust to your new schedule. Setting your alarm back 30 minutes is too much of a shock to your system.
Go to bed earlier once you're committed to morning workouts, don't expect to be able to go to bed at midnight like you used to. Put simply, if you're getting up earlier, go to bed earlier. (Some people have a problem with that.) You're better off cashing it in earlier than watching your favorite late night comedy show.
Get ready the night before. Normally, you waste a lot of time if you roll out of bed, stumble to the bathroom, take a shower, put your clothes on, then to the kitchen for some coffee and a quick eat-on-the-way-out-the-door breakfast. Once you think about your morning routine, you may find dozens of little things you could do the night before to give yourself some extra time for a morning workout. For example:
A coffee maker with a timer you set before going to bed
Making your lunch
Setting your keys, checkbook, and briefcase by the door so you don't have to look for them
These will save you minutes in the morning - and it only takes a few minutes to add another set of reps or another mile to your workout.
Consider going to bed in your workout clothes! Go to bed in shorts and a T-shirt (or if it's cold, sweatpants and a T-shirt). Then, when the alarm goes off, get out of bed, jump into your shoes, and you're ready to go. While you're at it, get your work clothes ready, too. If you work out at a gym, pack them in the car so they're ready to go.
One of the best ways to stick to a morning exercise routine is to go to bed and get up the same time each day, even on weekends. Sleeping in more than an hour will throw you completely out of whack. Once your timing is down, STICK WITH IT. You will be rewarded with a body and mind that functions smoothly - almost like clockwork.
Cross Training and Interval Training
"Oh Boy! I HATE doing Cardio"! you may say. " I know it's important for the loss of bodyfat and for the health of my heart and lungs, but it's so darn boring."
Well, take a deep breath and relax and listen to what I have to say. Two ways to keep the aerobic component of your program interesting and fun are: cross-training and interval training. Let's take a look at both.
Cross-training involves performing different modes of exercise throughout your workout. For example if your doing 30 minutes of aerobics, try warming up a few minutes then taking your heart up to high level (75-80% of your Maximum heart rate) for 10 minutes on the stepper. Then IMMEDIATELY go to the stationary bike and pump out another 10 minutes. And lastly IMMEDIATELY go to the treadmill or elipitical for another 10 intense minutes. This method of training is great for two reasons: 1. You don't get bored. Your not on the machine long enough for boredom to set in (a big plus) and 2. Your working the body with different modes of exercise allowing you to condition the body and burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. If you want to go 45 minutes, break each mode of exercise into 15 minutes instead of 10 minutes for a more intense workout.
Interval training involves you working on one piece of equipment, but instead of keeping the heart rate elevated the entire time, you will actually lower the intensity a bit (active recovery) for a minute or so then work near the high end of your targert heart rate for 2 minutes. For example, after a 3-5 min warmup, do an all out sprint for 2 minutes, then light jog for 1 minute, then back to sprint for 2, back to jog for 1 minute. Do this for 20-30 minutes and you will really feel it. With this type of training you are constantly "shifting gears" much like a car, and you WILL expend more calories in a short amount of time. And because your constantly " shifting gears" you won't get stale with the workout, there's no time to.
A couple key points to remember: make sure you warmup 3-5 minutes first with some lighter exercise to elevate muscle tempeature, check and maintain the high end of your target heart rate, use a heart rate monitor if you need to, or use the talk test method (elevate the heart rate where you can carry on a short conversation), always cool down after 3-5 minutes to prevent the blood from pooling in one area. Also you should replenish your body with carbohydrates and protein after workout especially if you did an intense weight training routine prior to your cardio blitz. This will ensure proper recovery for the next time you train.
Well, take a deep breath and relax and listen to what I have to say. Two ways to keep the aerobic component of your program interesting and fun are: cross-training and interval training. Let's take a look at both.
Cross-training involves performing different modes of exercise throughout your workout. For example if your doing 30 minutes of aerobics, try warming up a few minutes then taking your heart up to high level (75-80% of your Maximum heart rate) for 10 minutes on the stepper. Then IMMEDIATELY go to the stationary bike and pump out another 10 minutes. And lastly IMMEDIATELY go to the treadmill or elipitical for another 10 intense minutes. This method of training is great for two reasons: 1. You don't get bored. Your not on the machine long enough for boredom to set in (a big plus) and 2. Your working the body with different modes of exercise allowing you to condition the body and burn more calories in a shorter amount of time. If you want to go 45 minutes, break each mode of exercise into 15 minutes instead of 10 minutes for a more intense workout.
Interval training involves you working on one piece of equipment, but instead of keeping the heart rate elevated the entire time, you will actually lower the intensity a bit (active recovery) for a minute or so then work near the high end of your targert heart rate for 2 minutes. For example, after a 3-5 min warmup, do an all out sprint for 2 minutes, then light jog for 1 minute, then back to sprint for 2, back to jog for 1 minute. Do this for 20-30 minutes and you will really feel it. With this type of training you are constantly "shifting gears" much like a car, and you WILL expend more calories in a short amount of time. And because your constantly " shifting gears" you won't get stale with the workout, there's no time to.
A couple key points to remember: make sure you warmup 3-5 minutes first with some lighter exercise to elevate muscle tempeature, check and maintain the high end of your target heart rate, use a heart rate monitor if you need to, or use the talk test method (elevate the heart rate where you can carry on a short conversation), always cool down after 3-5 minutes to prevent the blood from pooling in one area. Also you should replenish your body with carbohydrates and protein after workout especially if you did an intense weight training routine prior to your cardio blitz. This will ensure proper recovery for the next time you train.
How Lack Of Exercise Shortens Life
People die from inactivity, not just from aging. We know that as people age,they lose muscle, their immunities weaken and because of their weakened immunity, they are more likely to die of cancer and infectious diseases. As you age, you lose your ability to kill germs because of lack of muscle. When germs get into your body, you must make white blood cells and proteins called antibodies to kill them. Antibodies and cells are made from protein and the only place that you can store extra protein is in your muscles. When you have large muscles, you have a ready source of protein to make antibodies and cells. When you have small muscles, you have a very limited source of amino acids to make protein, so your immunity may be inadequate to kill germs.
You need antibodies to control cancer cells also. Each day, every healthy body makes millions of cancer cells. Your white blood cells and protein antibodies are necessary to ferret out and kill these cancer cells. You develop cancer when these cancer cells survive and start growing. Having large muscles gives you the source of protein to make antibodies that kill cancer cells as well as germs. Furthermore, when your skeletal muscles are small, so is your heart muscle. A strong heart can withstand arteriosclerosis and infections that can kill a person with a weak heart. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that aging does not cause loss of muscle (January 12, 2001); lack of exercise causes muscles to get smaller. With aging, it takes increasingly longer to recover from exercise, so people get tired sooner, feel sore earlier, or get more frequent injuries. Then they exercise less and less or stop exercising altogether. You need to develop an intelligent exercise program so this does not happen to you. If you can exercise into your nineties without quitting or getting injured, you can retain muscle mass, keep up your immunity and live a longer and healthier life.
You need antibodies to control cancer cells also. Each day, every healthy body makes millions of cancer cells. Your white blood cells and protein antibodies are necessary to ferret out and kill these cancer cells. You develop cancer when these cancer cells survive and start growing. Having large muscles gives you the source of protein to make antibodies that kill cancer cells as well as germs. Furthermore, when your skeletal muscles are small, so is your heart muscle. A strong heart can withstand arteriosclerosis and infections that can kill a person with a weak heart. A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed that aging does not cause loss of muscle (January 12, 2001); lack of exercise causes muscles to get smaller. With aging, it takes increasingly longer to recover from exercise, so people get tired sooner, feel sore earlier, or get more frequent injuries. Then they exercise less and less or stop exercising altogether. You need to develop an intelligent exercise program so this does not happen to you. If you can exercise into your nineties without quitting or getting injured, you can retain muscle mass, keep up your immunity and live a longer and healthier life.
Get Cardio Exercise With An Exercise Bike
There is a wide selection of exercise activities and exercise equipment that you can choose from, and the distractions at home can make it very difficult to do the exercise regularly. Used, reconditioned equipment provides an affordable and increasingly popular way to develop and outfit new or existing facilities at your home or office. If you buy from an established dealer, your exercise equipment will be examined by a qualified technician who will physically inspect all moving parts, and any bike part that shows more than 25% of wear will be replaced.
Today bikes are stationary and equipment with computers to help with the workout. Riding a stationary bike there is no worry about dogs, traffic or weather, since you are inside and not going anywhere. It means that using this type of home exercise equipment is going to require a person to spend many, many hours using the bicycle.
It is truly amazing just how much these amazing fitness machines have changed over the last few years. Bicycles are more compact and do not take up that much space unlike treadmills and fitness rowers, which take a huge amount of space. Having the exercise equipment is your home is fantastic; you dont have to drive to a gym, so your home fitness equipment is more convenient. In the craze over new fangled fitness equipment, the exercise bike often gets overlooked.
When you are exercising on a bike the joints have more pressure on them because when you sit on a bike your feet are below the rider. The recumbent bike it designed differently the seat is setup very similar to a chair and the pedals are positioned in front of the chair, this make the pedaling a much natural feel.
Different people like to exercise in different ways some like to pedal slowly and have a high resistance and other like to pedal very fast and have not resistance, with many bikes this is a included feature. Aside from the exercise programs the health professional will also determine the correct posture and resistance that are needed. Most of the exercise bikes, which are available in the market, have a control panel as well as a range of resistance levels. It's easy to adjust the height of the seat as well as the resistance levels. There is variety with resistance bikes as well.
The bike exercise programs offer fantastic cardio workouts which are not high impact. When choosing a exercise bike it is very important to read all the reviews so you make an intelligent decision, plus you want to pick the bike that is right for you. Riding bikes is a fantastic way to lose calories and is a great vascular work out which will help tone your body.
Most people have a problem starting their exercise routine it can be daunting but after a week or so you will find your fitness level improving and overall health. Dont give up and dont listen to outside influences, if you keep exercising and keep a schedule you will be creating a great habit and if you miss a day you will feel guilty. Once you feel guilty about missing a day you know you are on your way to a fit body.
Today bikes are stationary and equipment with computers to help with the workout. Riding a stationary bike there is no worry about dogs, traffic or weather, since you are inside and not going anywhere. It means that using this type of home exercise equipment is going to require a person to spend many, many hours using the bicycle.
It is truly amazing just how much these amazing fitness machines have changed over the last few years. Bicycles are more compact and do not take up that much space unlike treadmills and fitness rowers, which take a huge amount of space. Having the exercise equipment is your home is fantastic; you dont have to drive to a gym, so your home fitness equipment is more convenient. In the craze over new fangled fitness equipment, the exercise bike often gets overlooked.
When you are exercising on a bike the joints have more pressure on them because when you sit on a bike your feet are below the rider. The recumbent bike it designed differently the seat is setup very similar to a chair and the pedals are positioned in front of the chair, this make the pedaling a much natural feel.
Different people like to exercise in different ways some like to pedal slowly and have a high resistance and other like to pedal very fast and have not resistance, with many bikes this is a included feature. Aside from the exercise programs the health professional will also determine the correct posture and resistance that are needed. Most of the exercise bikes, which are available in the market, have a control panel as well as a range of resistance levels. It's easy to adjust the height of the seat as well as the resistance levels. There is variety with resistance bikes as well.
The bike exercise programs offer fantastic cardio workouts which are not high impact. When choosing a exercise bike it is very important to read all the reviews so you make an intelligent decision, plus you want to pick the bike that is right for you. Riding bikes is a fantastic way to lose calories and is a great vascular work out which will help tone your body.
Most people have a problem starting their exercise routine it can be daunting but after a week or so you will find your fitness level improving and overall health. Dont give up and dont listen to outside influences, if you keep exercising and keep a schedule you will be creating a great habit and if you miss a day you will feel guilty. Once you feel guilty about missing a day you know you are on your way to a fit body.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Correct Breathing In Pilates Is Essential
Breathing In Pilates
There is a lot more to Pilates than working out. It's something that you should feel good about doing, requiring application of the mind and energised after you have done a Pilates session. If you follow a Pilates exercise program consistently you will become leaner and stronger, not to mention fitter and feel good on the inside too.
Nobody is going to hand the body you want to you on a plate. To achieve the body you would like is going to take work. Anything we want in this life requires some application, and Pilates is no different. That said, it's something that isn't so hard on the body that you can't do it every day if you wanted to. Pilates will give your body core strength and strong abdominal muscles. When you are working and doing the exercises you will notice huge improvements in this area of your physical fitness. You can find out more about Pilates exercises at http://www.pilatesworkoutzone.com
Pilates is also about breathing correctly and practising breathing techniques. The more you do this, the better you will get at the exercises you are performing. Doing a Pilates workout is not something that you should dread. Create a positive forward image by looking forward to each and every session, spending time in the moment and getting the most out of each one. Pilates requires mental focus and precise movements. You need to really keep positive mentally so that you stick with it and achieve your goals.
You will find that most Pilates exercises come complete with instructional advice on how you should breath. In our day to day lives, most people don't breath correctly despite the fact it is autonomous.
Pilates helps you use up your full lung capacity with breathing right down to your abdominal area. Rib expansion to accommodate a higher volume of air is also an aspect of correct breathing technique. Breathing whilst concentrating on your exercise is an integral part of Pilates exercise.
There is a lot more to Pilates than working out. It's something that you should feel good about doing, requiring application of the mind and energised after you have done a Pilates session. If you follow a Pilates exercise program consistently you will become leaner and stronger, not to mention fitter and feel good on the inside too.
Nobody is going to hand the body you want to you on a plate. To achieve the body you would like is going to take work. Anything we want in this life requires some application, and Pilates is no different. That said, it's something that isn't so hard on the body that you can't do it every day if you wanted to. Pilates will give your body core strength and strong abdominal muscles. When you are working and doing the exercises you will notice huge improvements in this area of your physical fitness. You can find out more about Pilates exercises at http://www.pilatesworkoutzone.com
Pilates is also about breathing correctly and practising breathing techniques. The more you do this, the better you will get at the exercises you are performing. Doing a Pilates workout is not something that you should dread. Create a positive forward image by looking forward to each and every session, spending time in the moment and getting the most out of each one. Pilates requires mental focus and precise movements. You need to really keep positive mentally so that you stick with it and achieve your goals.
You will find that most Pilates exercises come complete with instructional advice on how you should breath. In our day to day lives, most people don't breath correctly despite the fact it is autonomous.
Pilates helps you use up your full lung capacity with breathing right down to your abdominal area. Rib expansion to accommodate a higher volume of air is also an aspect of correct breathing technique. Breathing whilst concentrating on your exercise is an integral part of Pilates exercise.
The Miraculous Healing Power of Tai Chi
It is likely that you have heard about Tai Chi but know very little information about it. This article is going to discuss what Tai Chi is and the benefits you can receive by practicing it regularly.
Tai Chi is the ancient Chinese system of exercise that strengthens the body and the energy within it. The slow, flowing movements of Tai Chi help to relax the mind and body, while at the same time bringing you a sense of vitality and wellness. Daily practice of Tai Chi has a profound impact not only on the body but also the mind.
People who take part in Tai Chi for any length of time note an increase in self-confidence and thought clarity. This is because Tai Chi increases the life energy within the body, bringing about clearer thoughts and actions that lead to more positive thinking and self-confidence.
Here are some of the benefits you can expect to receive with a daily practice of Tai Chi.
Increased strength of core muscles and ligaments. The Tai Chi form works to increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and ligaments by the slow shifting of weight from one side of the body to the other. This tones muscles, tendons and ligaments while improving flexibility and strength throughout the whole body.
Deep relaxation. Tai Chi has the effect of inducing deep relaxation in the body. You may find yourself yawning and taking spontaneous deep breaths that release a great deal of physical tension during your practice. Not only does this feel great, it is also very beneficial. Less tension in the body conserves energy and provides a sense of well being and ease in your life.
Improves oxygen absorption. The ability to absorb more oxygen into the body has untold health benefits. Your brain works more efficiently, your heart and lungs become healthier, and energy is drastically increased. Basically, a system wide rejuvenation occurs.
Oxygen is absolutely critical to a healthy life. Most of us go along with just enough oxygen in our system to continue living. Few people have excess amounts of oxygen within their system. Having extra oxygen in the body is the key to vibrant health. It has even been discovered that cancer cells cannot survive in a highly oxygenated system. This shows the far-reaching implications of your bodys oxygen content.
Improves coordination. Tai Chi is wonderful for making your mind and body more connected. The movements of Tai Chi help to make the body far more agile and coordinated. This is of great benefit to anyone who feels disconnected to their body or is frequently clumsy. Your reflexes will become sharper and quicker, helping you in all aspects of your life.
This is just a taste of what Tai Chi offers. Very few forms of exercise offer such striking health and wellness benefits. The daily practice of Tai Chi can take under twenty minutes a day and will improve every aspect of your life. Try getting a beginner Tai Chi DVD to start learning the movements. You will feel a difference almost immediately. If you stick with your practice on a regular basis, your life will drastically soar in health.
Tai Chi is the ancient Chinese system of exercise that strengthens the body and the energy within it. The slow, flowing movements of Tai Chi help to relax the mind and body, while at the same time bringing you a sense of vitality and wellness. Daily practice of Tai Chi has a profound impact not only on the body but also the mind.
People who take part in Tai Chi for any length of time note an increase in self-confidence and thought clarity. This is because Tai Chi increases the life energy within the body, bringing about clearer thoughts and actions that lead to more positive thinking and self-confidence.
Here are some of the benefits you can expect to receive with a daily practice of Tai Chi.
Increased strength of core muscles and ligaments. The Tai Chi form works to increase the strength and flexibility of muscles and ligaments by the slow shifting of weight from one side of the body to the other. This tones muscles, tendons and ligaments while improving flexibility and strength throughout the whole body.
Deep relaxation. Tai Chi has the effect of inducing deep relaxation in the body. You may find yourself yawning and taking spontaneous deep breaths that release a great deal of physical tension during your practice. Not only does this feel great, it is also very beneficial. Less tension in the body conserves energy and provides a sense of well being and ease in your life.
Improves oxygen absorption. The ability to absorb more oxygen into the body has untold health benefits. Your brain works more efficiently, your heart and lungs become healthier, and energy is drastically increased. Basically, a system wide rejuvenation occurs.
Oxygen is absolutely critical to a healthy life. Most of us go along with just enough oxygen in our system to continue living. Few people have excess amounts of oxygen within their system. Having extra oxygen in the body is the key to vibrant health. It has even been discovered that cancer cells cannot survive in a highly oxygenated system. This shows the far-reaching implications of your bodys oxygen content.
Improves coordination. Tai Chi is wonderful for making your mind and body more connected. The movements of Tai Chi help to make the body far more agile and coordinated. This is of great benefit to anyone who feels disconnected to their body or is frequently clumsy. Your reflexes will become sharper and quicker, helping you in all aspects of your life.
This is just a taste of what Tai Chi offers. Very few forms of exercise offer such striking health and wellness benefits. The daily practice of Tai Chi can take under twenty minutes a day and will improve every aspect of your life. Try getting a beginner Tai Chi DVD to start learning the movements. You will feel a difference almost immediately. If you stick with your practice on a regular basis, your life will drastically soar in health.
Smart Exercise Is Less Exercise
You're more likely to succeed in fitness and weight loss if you keep it short and sweet instead of long and tedious, and there is a lot of evidence to support this theory.
To get results from exercise, intensity and frequency are more important than duration. In fact, intensity and duration are inversly related. So keep it short and intense and see the results increase exponentially. Short workouts are also an ideal solution in a time-bound society where every minute counts.
Shorter, more intense sessions are fun and invigorating. When you spent 15-20 intense minutes pumping weights, your metabolic rate is stimulated more than languishing on the treadmill for 30-40 minutes while watching TV. It is more fun, stimulating and energizing and results can be magnified with a workout buddy.
Scientific experiments have proved that this is an effective strategy for weight loss:
More Minutes. Studies have shown that females who broke down their exercise sessions to 10 minutes, 3 times a day, 5 times a week lost more weight than women who exercised for 30 minutes at a time, 5 times a week. Ironically, breaking down the exercise frequency (training more than once a day, but for shorter periods) yields more results than if you were to do the exercise all at the same time. Short, intense sessions boost metabolic rate, which stays elevated longer as compared to low intensity, long duration sessions.
More Miles. In a University of Nebraska-Kearney study, overweight walkers who did two 15-min bouts, 5x/wk, nearly doubled their weekly mileage compared with walkers who walked 30 min, 3x/wk.
Less Dropout. Twice as many people stuck with more, short workouts as those who stuck with fewer long ones. Interesting, considering that the short workout group put in more days (5 vs. 3) and committed more time weekly to exercise (150 min. vs. 90 min).
More Calorie Burn. Whether you do your workouts all in one shot or break them up, you burn about the same amount of calories. The next step, is hard for anyone to predict.The calories you burn after a workout may be slightly higher if you break up your workouts.
Better Recovery. A long, tedious, 60-90 minute workout will burn you out physically and mentally fast. Concentrating your workouts into 30-35 minutes allows your muscles to recover between workouts, and to work your body more frequently.
To get results from exercise, intensity and frequency are more important than duration. In fact, intensity and duration are inversly related. So keep it short and intense and see the results increase exponentially. Short workouts are also an ideal solution in a time-bound society where every minute counts.
Shorter, more intense sessions are fun and invigorating. When you spent 15-20 intense minutes pumping weights, your metabolic rate is stimulated more than languishing on the treadmill for 30-40 minutes while watching TV. It is more fun, stimulating and energizing and results can be magnified with a workout buddy.
Scientific experiments have proved that this is an effective strategy for weight loss:
More Minutes. Studies have shown that females who broke down their exercise sessions to 10 minutes, 3 times a day, 5 times a week lost more weight than women who exercised for 30 minutes at a time, 5 times a week. Ironically, breaking down the exercise frequency (training more than once a day, but for shorter periods) yields more results than if you were to do the exercise all at the same time. Short, intense sessions boost metabolic rate, which stays elevated longer as compared to low intensity, long duration sessions.
More Miles. In a University of Nebraska-Kearney study, overweight walkers who did two 15-min bouts, 5x/wk, nearly doubled their weekly mileage compared with walkers who walked 30 min, 3x/wk.
Less Dropout. Twice as many people stuck with more, short workouts as those who stuck with fewer long ones. Interesting, considering that the short workout group put in more days (5 vs. 3) and committed more time weekly to exercise (150 min. vs. 90 min).
More Calorie Burn. Whether you do your workouts all in one shot or break them up, you burn about the same amount of calories. The next step, is hard for anyone to predict.The calories you burn after a workout may be slightly higher if you break up your workouts.
Better Recovery. A long, tedious, 60-90 minute workout will burn you out physically and mentally fast. Concentrating your workouts into 30-35 minutes allows your muscles to recover between workouts, and to work your body more frequently.
Pilates For Weight Loss And A Healthier Body
Before you begin reading this article, please bear in mind that the creator of Pilates methods did not originally intend for Pilates to be something just used to lose weight. Its intention is to build core strength and muscle tone. You will also be able to keep in good shape performing Pilates exercises providing you are also following a sound diet regime.
Joseph Pilates introduced the methods to America in the 1920's and it has now become hugely popular around the world. Pilates is a low intensity way to work out. This is confusing to some people as they don't quite 'get it' how you can have such a program that also allows you to lose weight. As long as you are moving and working your body, you don't need to use heavy resistance or overly strenuous apparatus in order to lose weight. Maintaing a good Pilates exercise regime and a healthy diet will ensure you lose the extra pounds. It's also nice to know that going to exercise won't be something you dread as much as having your teeth pulled at your local dentists.
Going to the gym and enjoy it by taking a Pilates class. You will learn how to properly stretch your muscles and get rid of that excess flab. After a while you will start to notice changes in your physical appearance as well.
There are a multitude of reasons why devotees use Pilates for the purpose of achieving weight loss. You won't just lose the weight though, you'll also feel healthier as well.
Your balance and posture will improve. You will even notice that you may have sharper mental acuity.
Famous celebrities have latched on to the Pilates methods to tone and get rid of the excess fat. However, for best results you should really practice it daily or almost daily.
Having a good diet will also give you the energy you will need to maintain this kind of regular routine.
If you want to train from home, get hold of some Pilates exercise equipment and some instructional dvd's for the exercises. Keep an eye on that diet and you will soon be at the weight you wish to achieve.
Joseph Pilates introduced the methods to America in the 1920's and it has now become hugely popular around the world. Pilates is a low intensity way to work out. This is confusing to some people as they don't quite 'get it' how you can have such a program that also allows you to lose weight. As long as you are moving and working your body, you don't need to use heavy resistance or overly strenuous apparatus in order to lose weight. Maintaing a good Pilates exercise regime and a healthy diet will ensure you lose the extra pounds. It's also nice to know that going to exercise won't be something you dread as much as having your teeth pulled at your local dentists.
Going to the gym and enjoy it by taking a Pilates class. You will learn how to properly stretch your muscles and get rid of that excess flab. After a while you will start to notice changes in your physical appearance as well.
There are a multitude of reasons why devotees use Pilates for the purpose of achieving weight loss. You won't just lose the weight though, you'll also feel healthier as well.
Your balance and posture will improve. You will even notice that you may have sharper mental acuity.
Famous celebrities have latched on to the Pilates methods to tone and get rid of the excess fat. However, for best results you should really practice it daily or almost daily.
Having a good diet will also give you the energy you will need to maintain this kind of regular routine.
If you want to train from home, get hold of some Pilates exercise equipment and some instructional dvd's for the exercises. Keep an eye on that diet and you will soon be at the weight you wish to achieve.
Grow New Brain Cells with Exercise
Exercise is excellent for our physical health. We know that it's good for our heart and weight and now there's proof that it's good for our brain. There are studies that suggest exercise can actually grow new brain cells. This is something that was believed impossible not long ago.
Age-related memory usually starts to decline around age 30, but exercise can help you fight this decline and prevent Alzheimer's.
Test with mice has shown they developed new brain cells in the dentate gyrus region. This is part of the hippocampus that affects age-related memory. These studies do show a natural pattern, which proves that people can also grow new brain cells with exercise.
A test was performed on 11 adults that went though a three month exercise program. Test with MRIs of their brains demonstrated increased blood flow to the dentate gyrus region, similar to the mice.
This is very exciting news! We now know that we can do more to fight back against memory decline. Exercise can build new brain cells as we get in shape both mentally and physically.
In the future physicians may prescribe particular exercise routines to patients that have mental decline. This is much more promising than drugs.
Exercise optimizes your brain to learn, improves circulation, boosts metabolism, decreases stress and improves attention and mood.
The brain cells work better when you exercise, making it easier for the neurons to communicate back and forth.
Basically if you exercise regularly, you will become smarter, more alert and be able to carry out all of your tasks better. You will also feel better.
Even brisk walking a few times a week will help. Start there and build up. Your body and mind will thank you. Another benefit is that this will help flatten your stomach. Most of us will like that idea.
If you want to stay fit and eliminate your dependency on others as you age, then start an exercise routine now.
If you combine an exercise routine with a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in processed junk food, then your results could be amazing. Blueberries and bilberries also seem to help the brain's neurons to communicate better. This can improve motor behavior in the aging.
Why not start today? Begin by going for a short stroll and increase the distance in the days ahead. This is not a quick fix, but a new lifestyle that will help bring you health, peace and happiness, if you truly want it enough to go the distance.
Age-related memory usually starts to decline around age 30, but exercise can help you fight this decline and prevent Alzheimer's.
Test with mice has shown they developed new brain cells in the dentate gyrus region. This is part of the hippocampus that affects age-related memory. These studies do show a natural pattern, which proves that people can also grow new brain cells with exercise.
A test was performed on 11 adults that went though a three month exercise program. Test with MRIs of their brains demonstrated increased blood flow to the dentate gyrus region, similar to the mice.
This is very exciting news! We now know that we can do more to fight back against memory decline. Exercise can build new brain cells as we get in shape both mentally and physically.
In the future physicians may prescribe particular exercise routines to patients that have mental decline. This is much more promising than drugs.
Exercise optimizes your brain to learn, improves circulation, boosts metabolism, decreases stress and improves attention and mood.
The brain cells work better when you exercise, making it easier for the neurons to communicate back and forth.
Basically if you exercise regularly, you will become smarter, more alert and be able to carry out all of your tasks better. You will also feel better.
Even brisk walking a few times a week will help. Start there and build up. Your body and mind will thank you. Another benefit is that this will help flatten your stomach. Most of us will like that idea.
If you want to stay fit and eliminate your dependency on others as you age, then start an exercise routine now.
If you combine an exercise routine with a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables and low in processed junk food, then your results could be amazing. Blueberries and bilberries also seem to help the brain's neurons to communicate better. This can improve motor behavior in the aging.
Why not start today? Begin by going for a short stroll and increase the distance in the days ahead. This is not a quick fix, but a new lifestyle that will help bring you health, peace and happiness, if you truly want it enough to go the distance.
Bowflex The Weight Loss Home Gym
It is really interesting hearing about a new workout machine, abs solution, or a re-make of a similar home gym that guarantees incredible results. People spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on the newest weight loss solution that they see on TV commercials and figure if they buy this product they will receive amazing results like the people on TV.
Boy are they being fed by lies.
Being updated and educated on about every aspect in the health and fitness realm has myself noticing the confusion people have when deciding how they will lose weight and take that step towards better health. You may begin to believe that you have to spend all that money on different weight loss supplements, programs, and home gyms before you find what works for you.
This is absolutely wrong.
There is one home gym that has been around longer than the majority of workout machine hypes and is still giving the same incredible results it promise years ago. So which one am I talking about that is for real and can make the difference towards that deciding factor of achieving phenomenal results.
The one and only Bowflex is the absolute best home gym ever design for toning your body, firing up your metabolism, and making weight loss easier than ever. I have experience bowflex hands on with other home gyms and fitness equipment but nothing compares to bowflex.
Some of the best things about this piece of equipment are that it gives results, its easy and not time consuming, and the power rod resistance makes it a favor for thousands. Bowflex Power Rods give you resistance, or weight, that feels as good as or better than free weights but without the inertia or risk of joint pain usually associated with free weights. The workouts will never be the same again.
They have several models like Bowflex Ultimate 2, Bowflex Ultimate, Bowflex Xtreme 2, Bowflex Xtreme SE, Bowflex Blaze , and Bowflex Versatrainer. My own opinion is that Bowflex Ultimate 2 is #1 in my book.
I just want to say last that I had to quite my gym membership as bowflex even cost less than most gym membership including mine. I was paying about $39 a month with a $50 equipment maintenance fee, and as always a start up fee. My gym membership cost me around $700 for the year and traveling there made me spend more money on gas.
With the bowflex I paid $34 a month and they shipped it to me for absolutely nothing. I come out to only paying about $400, plus the money on gas and time I wasted traveling to the gym.
Bowflex in about every way is the best way to go if you want to improve your fitness level while not sacrificing time and money away from things you love to do and your family.
If you know of another home gym that you believe to be outstanding than contact me so I can put my two cents in.
Have a great day and God bless!
Boy are they being fed by lies.
Being updated and educated on about every aspect in the health and fitness realm has myself noticing the confusion people have when deciding how they will lose weight and take that step towards better health. You may begin to believe that you have to spend all that money on different weight loss supplements, programs, and home gyms before you find what works for you.
This is absolutely wrong.
There is one home gym that has been around longer than the majority of workout machine hypes and is still giving the same incredible results it promise years ago. So which one am I talking about that is for real and can make the difference towards that deciding factor of achieving phenomenal results.
The one and only Bowflex is the absolute best home gym ever design for toning your body, firing up your metabolism, and making weight loss easier than ever. I have experience bowflex hands on with other home gyms and fitness equipment but nothing compares to bowflex.
Some of the best things about this piece of equipment are that it gives results, its easy and not time consuming, and the power rod resistance makes it a favor for thousands. Bowflex Power Rods give you resistance, or weight, that feels as good as or better than free weights but without the inertia or risk of joint pain usually associated with free weights. The workouts will never be the same again.
They have several models like Bowflex Ultimate 2, Bowflex Ultimate, Bowflex Xtreme 2, Bowflex Xtreme SE, Bowflex Blaze , and Bowflex Versatrainer. My own opinion is that Bowflex Ultimate 2 is #1 in my book.
I just want to say last that I had to quite my gym membership as bowflex even cost less than most gym membership including mine. I was paying about $39 a month with a $50 equipment maintenance fee, and as always a start up fee. My gym membership cost me around $700 for the year and traveling there made me spend more money on gas.
With the bowflex I paid $34 a month and they shipped it to me for absolutely nothing. I come out to only paying about $400, plus the money on gas and time I wasted traveling to the gym.
Bowflex in about every way is the best way to go if you want to improve your fitness level while not sacrificing time and money away from things you love to do and your family.
If you know of another home gym that you believe to be outstanding than contact me so I can put my two cents in.
Have a great day and God bless!
Buying Exercise Equipment At a Discount
If you are like me, you like to save money!
The process of buying exercise equipment can actually save you money. In fact, it can be done without a dent in your wallet, if you know how to shop for discount exercise equipment.
There are a lot of equipment wholesalers available on the web, and that's a good place to start. There are many places where you can find discount exercise equipment. In this article, you will learn where you can get discount exercise equipment and how you should go about buying. After all, there is no reason for you to pay the regular price for equipment when you can get discount exercise equipment.
Before you decide to buy, evaluate your fitness goals, which parts of our body we want to target. There are many different types of equipment that work out a specific part of our body and these machines can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars each. Most of us want to have a complete workout, so we go to the gym, but even gyms have their drawbacks such as convenience (or rather, the lack of). If you want a full body training routine, the equipment may be expensive.
Before you buy, remember that you do not have to pay the retail price, and that there is always room for negotiation. Have you considered visiting your local gym, sports supply store, or even on the internet? There are many bargains as long as you know where to look.
The main reason deals are available, is that new equipment comes along all the time, and it is not necessarily better, just better designed! The faster new exercise equipment becomes available, "late" models will be offered as discount exercise equipment. Older exercise equipment work as well, sometimes better than recent models, which tend to be more dependent on additional, sometimes unnecessary components that add glamour. For instance, a new model treadmill may have an adjustable chest strap to monitor your heart or even built in cooling fans on the electronic panel, whereas the discount exercise equipment may not.
Once you have figured out exactly what kind of discount exercise equipment you want, you need to do your research in the different models and the average prices of both discount exercise equipment AND retail priced exercise equipment. The reason being that even though discount exercise equipment is lower than the retail price, you still might not be getting the best deal you can get.
If you surf the web to make a purchase like many individuals do these days, my advice is that you visit your local sporting goods store and try their goods to get a feel of which equipment you like. The key is to narrow down your selection to a specific make and model. Once you finish this task, everything else is easy Just browse the internet for which places are offering that exact model at a price that fits within your budget.
One last word of advice: refer to a source that offers comprehensive reviews on exercise equipment, so that you can read about different types of exercise equipment before you buy. Never rush with your purchase decision.
The process of buying exercise equipment can actually save you money. In fact, it can be done without a dent in your wallet, if you know how to shop for discount exercise equipment.
There are a lot of equipment wholesalers available on the web, and that's a good place to start. There are many places where you can find discount exercise equipment. In this article, you will learn where you can get discount exercise equipment and how you should go about buying. After all, there is no reason for you to pay the regular price for equipment when you can get discount exercise equipment.
Before you decide to buy, evaluate your fitness goals, which parts of our body we want to target. There are many different types of equipment that work out a specific part of our body and these machines can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars each. Most of us want to have a complete workout, so we go to the gym, but even gyms have their drawbacks such as convenience (or rather, the lack of). If you want a full body training routine, the equipment may be expensive.
Before you buy, remember that you do not have to pay the retail price, and that there is always room for negotiation. Have you considered visiting your local gym, sports supply store, or even on the internet? There are many bargains as long as you know where to look.
The main reason deals are available, is that new equipment comes along all the time, and it is not necessarily better, just better designed! The faster new exercise equipment becomes available, "late" models will be offered as discount exercise equipment. Older exercise equipment work as well, sometimes better than recent models, which tend to be more dependent on additional, sometimes unnecessary components that add glamour. For instance, a new model treadmill may have an adjustable chest strap to monitor your heart or even built in cooling fans on the electronic panel, whereas the discount exercise equipment may not.
Once you have figured out exactly what kind of discount exercise equipment you want, you need to do your research in the different models and the average prices of both discount exercise equipment AND retail priced exercise equipment. The reason being that even though discount exercise equipment is lower than the retail price, you still might not be getting the best deal you can get.
If you surf the web to make a purchase like many individuals do these days, my advice is that you visit your local sporting goods store and try their goods to get a feel of which equipment you like. The key is to narrow down your selection to a specific make and model. Once you finish this task, everything else is easy Just browse the internet for which places are offering that exact model at a price that fits within your budget.
One last word of advice: refer to a source that offers comprehensive reviews on exercise equipment, so that you can read about different types of exercise equipment before you buy. Never rush with your purchase decision.
All About Schwinn Exercise Bikes
Exercise bikes have come a long way since the first exercise bike, which was nothing more than 2 whiles and a pedal.
Today, exercise bikes are sophisticated machines capable of delivering low-impact, dynamic and amplified aerobic exercise programs with none of the strain, pain and discomfort associated with traditional treadmill use.
Schwinn is a reputed company that is recognized for its exercise cycles. In this article, I cover the most relevant features for schwinn exercise bikes for prospective buyers.
Several companies manufactur exercise bikes, and schwinn's bikes provide maximum amount of versatility compared to other exercise bikes.
Some of the standard features of some of their bikes include:
Pre-programmed workouts
Heart-rate monitor capabilities which pick up your heart rate when you wear a wireless chest strap
Powered by pedaling so you don't have to plug it in, where kinetic energy (pedalling) is converted to potential energy, which is then converted to electrical (display)
30 or more levels of resistance.
Some bikes are designed such that the unit accomodates to your body mechanics as you utilize it more and more. This is called an 'auto-adjustment' unit, where the machine is 'smart' and knows how much to push you as you use it more and more - very cutting edge capabilites in today's machines. Anyone can use these bikes irregardless of age, activity level and to a lesser extent, injury status. Doctors like recommending stationary exercise bikes to patients recovering from injuries and diseases. Follow these guidelines if you are a newcomer:
1. Slow and steady. If you're not used to a stationary exercise bike, turning up the dial on the resistance can prove to work against you. It is best to start with a low intensity and then progress to a higher intensity. Let your body guide you.
2. Stretch your way to success. As with any exercise routine, make sure that you stretch properly before and after, giving at least 20 seconds per stretch.
3. Set a goal. Don't delay, set your goals right away. You want to set long-term goals for your entire workout routine, such as weight or waist size, and also a goal for each target area. For instance, when using an exercise bike, you'll want to set a goal for how many miles you aim to cycle per workout and at what resistance.
There are several differnet types of exercise bikes, including stationary and recumbent. This decision varies from person to person, and I personally recommend the upright bike. However, it may not be suitable for everyone because of the demands on the lower back and the higher intensity associated with the workout.
Bikes that are upright have a more intense calories burning effect. However, they tend to place more strain on the lower back. The decision is individual and you must try both before you pick one.
Finally, it's your choice - an exercise bike or some other type of cardiovascular equipment. Be diligent as a buyer and research various types of equipment before you buy.
Today, exercise bikes are sophisticated machines capable of delivering low-impact, dynamic and amplified aerobic exercise programs with none of the strain, pain and discomfort associated with traditional treadmill use.
Schwinn is a reputed company that is recognized for its exercise cycles. In this article, I cover the most relevant features for schwinn exercise bikes for prospective buyers.
Several companies manufactur exercise bikes, and schwinn's bikes provide maximum amount of versatility compared to other exercise bikes.
Some of the standard features of some of their bikes include:
Pre-programmed workouts
Heart-rate monitor capabilities which pick up your heart rate when you wear a wireless chest strap
Powered by pedaling so you don't have to plug it in, where kinetic energy (pedalling) is converted to potential energy, which is then converted to electrical (display)
30 or more levels of resistance.
Some bikes are designed such that the unit accomodates to your body mechanics as you utilize it more and more. This is called an 'auto-adjustment' unit, where the machine is 'smart' and knows how much to push you as you use it more and more - very cutting edge capabilites in today's machines. Anyone can use these bikes irregardless of age, activity level and to a lesser extent, injury status. Doctors like recommending stationary exercise bikes to patients recovering from injuries and diseases. Follow these guidelines if you are a newcomer:
1. Slow and steady. If you're not used to a stationary exercise bike, turning up the dial on the resistance can prove to work against you. It is best to start with a low intensity and then progress to a higher intensity. Let your body guide you.
2. Stretch your way to success. As with any exercise routine, make sure that you stretch properly before and after, giving at least 20 seconds per stretch.
3. Set a goal. Don't delay, set your goals right away. You want to set long-term goals for your entire workout routine, such as weight or waist size, and also a goal for each target area. For instance, when using an exercise bike, you'll want to set a goal for how many miles you aim to cycle per workout and at what resistance.
There are several differnet types of exercise bikes, including stationary and recumbent. This decision varies from person to person, and I personally recommend the upright bike. However, it may not be suitable for everyone because of the demands on the lower back and the higher intensity associated with the workout.
Bikes that are upright have a more intense calories burning effect. However, they tend to place more strain on the lower back. The decision is individual and you must try both before you pick one.
Finally, it's your choice - an exercise bike or some other type of cardiovascular equipment. Be diligent as a buyer and research various types of equipment before you buy.
Body Sculpting for Moms Without Time
When it comes to body sculpting for moms, there are a lot of obstacles standing in the way. If you have a new infant, you have more responsibilities on your mind and less time to do them in. Add in the fact that you probably aren't getting enough sleep and exercise becomes less and less of a priority. But in order to maintain your health and fitness levels, you may want to follow some of these body sculpting for moms' tips that will help you squeeze in exercise even on your busiest days. All you need is a little imagination (and if you have older children, they can join in too).
The main ingredient for body sculpting for moms is finding exercise equipment that's all around you. You want to focus on finding things that will add resistance to your daily chores, adding a workout without your having to even change into athletic shoes. For example, your newborn is a great piece of free weight equipment whenever you lift them up and down. As they grow older, they become heavier, adding even more resistance. You can also use ordinary objects to help create a body sculpting routine i.e. soap cans, milk jugs, grocery bags, etc. Look around for things that you can lift and move in order to add some tone to your body.
Next, you will want to find ways to add more movement to your days. Body sculpting for moms can include lifting toys off the ground and then placing them back, lifting them up again and then placing them back adding up to more calories burned. You might also want to take the stairs whenever you can to help increase the sculpting for your lower body. Playing with your children can be a body sculpting experience too when you lift them and move them or when you actually play interactive games that require running or moving.
To further increase your time for body sculpting for moms, you will want to look for someone to watch your children when you do want to workout in more standard ways i.e. fitness videos, online routines, etc. Have someone watch your children even when you're in the same house. This will allow you to go check on them if anything happens, but you can still workout without being interrupted. There are also many fitness centers that will watch your children if you are attending a class at the location. Body sculpting for moms doesn't have to add stress to your day when you simply find new ways to increase the fitness in your life. By using objects from around the house, playing with your children, or attending a fitness class, you can maintain or improve your fitness all without missing a beat of your child's life.
The main ingredient for body sculpting for moms is finding exercise equipment that's all around you. You want to focus on finding things that will add resistance to your daily chores, adding a workout without your having to even change into athletic shoes. For example, your newborn is a great piece of free weight equipment whenever you lift them up and down. As they grow older, they become heavier, adding even more resistance. You can also use ordinary objects to help create a body sculpting routine i.e. soap cans, milk jugs, grocery bags, etc. Look around for things that you can lift and move in order to add some tone to your body.
Next, you will want to find ways to add more movement to your days. Body sculpting for moms can include lifting toys off the ground and then placing them back, lifting them up again and then placing them back adding up to more calories burned. You might also want to take the stairs whenever you can to help increase the sculpting for your lower body. Playing with your children can be a body sculpting experience too when you lift them and move them or when you actually play interactive games that require running or moving.
To further increase your time for body sculpting for moms, you will want to look for someone to watch your children when you do want to workout in more standard ways i.e. fitness videos, online routines, etc. Have someone watch your children even when you're in the same house. This will allow you to go check on them if anything happens, but you can still workout without being interrupted. There are also many fitness centers that will watch your children if you are attending a class at the location. Body sculpting for moms doesn't have to add stress to your day when you simply find new ways to increase the fitness in your life. By using objects from around the house, playing with your children, or attending a fitness class, you can maintain or improve your fitness all without missing a beat of your child's life.
How to Choose the Best Fitness Program for You
Many people do not know where to begin when trying to start a fitness program. The search for an adequate fitness program can sometimes feel frustrating, because there are many different kinds of programs, and a lot of them contain conflicting information!
There are a few basic guidelines to follow when searching for a quality fitness program. Every fitness program should incorporate a few standard things.
The first thing a good fitness program will include is weight training. This may be accomplished by the use of large machines, barbells, or simple handheld free weights. Some people have also found that alternative types of resistance training, such as resistance bands, work well for their specific fitness program. The important thing is that there is some type of resistance training in your fitness program. Using weights even just a few times a week within your fitness program can increase your overall health, including bone density. Also, lifting weights as part of your fitness program increases your bodys muscle mass. This means that you will replace fat with muscle. Muscle is more attractive than fat, and takes up less space. It burns calories even while you are resting! These are just a few reasons why a weight-training regimen should be included in your overall fitness program.
The second thing you should check for in a quality fitness program, is a good amount of cardiovascular exercise. This is simply any exercise that increases your heart rate and keeps it elevated for an adequate amount of time. There should be at least twenty minute of cardiovascular exercise in your fitness program three times a week, and this is a minimum for any fitness program. Bicycling, fast walking, running or jogging, dancing, aerobic classes, etc. are all examples of cardiovascular exercise that could be incorporated into your fitness program. A fitness program should include this type of exercise because it is excellent for your heart and overall bodily health. However, another benefit of adding it to your fitness program is that it burns calories, which, in turn, helps you to lose weight.
Finally, any good fitness program should begin and end with stretching. This is a way to ensure that your muscles and ligaments are well taken care of throughout your fitness program, and stretching also has an elongating effect.
Any fitness program that includes these three things will be a fitness program you can feel positive about beginning. Its always a challenge to begin a fitness program, but if you stick with your fitness program past the first few days and weeks, you will begin to look and feel better than ever.
There are a few basic guidelines to follow when searching for a quality fitness program. Every fitness program should incorporate a few standard things.
The first thing a good fitness program will include is weight training. This may be accomplished by the use of large machines, barbells, or simple handheld free weights. Some people have also found that alternative types of resistance training, such as resistance bands, work well for their specific fitness program. The important thing is that there is some type of resistance training in your fitness program. Using weights even just a few times a week within your fitness program can increase your overall health, including bone density. Also, lifting weights as part of your fitness program increases your bodys muscle mass. This means that you will replace fat with muscle. Muscle is more attractive than fat, and takes up less space. It burns calories even while you are resting! These are just a few reasons why a weight-training regimen should be included in your overall fitness program.
The second thing you should check for in a quality fitness program, is a good amount of cardiovascular exercise. This is simply any exercise that increases your heart rate and keeps it elevated for an adequate amount of time. There should be at least twenty minute of cardiovascular exercise in your fitness program three times a week, and this is a minimum for any fitness program. Bicycling, fast walking, running or jogging, dancing, aerobic classes, etc. are all examples of cardiovascular exercise that could be incorporated into your fitness program. A fitness program should include this type of exercise because it is excellent for your heart and overall bodily health. However, another benefit of adding it to your fitness program is that it burns calories, which, in turn, helps you to lose weight.
Finally, any good fitness program should begin and end with stretching. This is a way to ensure that your muscles and ligaments are well taken care of throughout your fitness program, and stretching also has an elongating effect.
Any fitness program that includes these three things will be a fitness program you can feel positive about beginning. Its always a challenge to begin a fitness program, but if you stick with your fitness program past the first few days and weeks, you will begin to look and feel better than ever.
A Bodybuilding Back Routine Day
May 14, 2007 - It's competition time! Get ready for a killer back routine day in the life of a pre-contest bodybuilder.
A tale of stacks and carbs - Two weeks out from competition:
4:30AM-Kick-in-the-chest! I rip the covers off and swing my arm over to turn off the fan that has been sucking the moisture out of my brain all night. There's got to be an alarm tone that won't induce a mild heart attack every morning. It takes a minute of clutching my chest to make sure my heart doesn't make a run for it. I can never figure out if I am going to sleep in a pool of sweat or have cold chills all night, I usually know half way through the night if I have to flip my soaked pillow. It has become an adventure to make it to the bathroom with my eyes glued shut from dehydration.
In truth I cant wait to wake up because between the crazy dreams from the stack and my growling stomach. Wake up time is an end to the 360 flips I do all night. I get to have breakfast. The thought of three shredded wheat biscuits and 4.6 oz of chicken is a touch of heaven in this cruel land of depletion. I just need to make it through morning cardio first. That means a stack to get rid of the jitters and a liter of water to unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth. I enjoy feeling full for about ten minutes after breakfast, and waiting another two and half-hours to calm the gremlins again.
I can tell this is going to be one of those days where I get to spend 45 minutes of treadmill time watching leg press lockouts and coffee pot seminars at the water fountain. Wow, these people really enjoy their social outings. Shmucks.
Isn't this special? I hope someone decides to do stretches on the back hyper machine again, just so I cant bring in my lower back in time for the contest. Nice, now that Mr.Buttercup in the corner is all loosened up on the back hyper, I can warm-up myself.
9:00 finishes off my first client of the day and now its home to eat and take a nap before I phone Jay "the freak" Riddell to make sure we are still on for back today. He's six weeks out from provincials and we're pushing hard. The phone call confirms it, 11:30, parking lot of Mac's by the L.R.T. in downtown Calgary. Sounds like the callout for S.W.A.T. Time to drop my second stack of the day and put a liter of distilled water down range.
Doesn't seem to matter how much of this stuff I drink, it feels like I got sand in my eyes every time I blink. The training pace has picked up so much that we don't have time to grab water any more. It's almost tempting to lick the sweat off the bench so I can swallow.
"Hey Ray", huh? There's that little evil voice again. Keeps saying I need extra carbs today because I'm looking flat. I hate that guy. Every time I start to lean out this voice decides to put up residence in my head. He gets really loud and annoying about 11:00 at night when I want to sleep. Usually something like, "Don't you need an extra ounce of beef with those veggies so you don't go catabolic during sleep?" Like I said: I hate that guy.
Heading down town now to get Jay, that is if this creeping pedestrian will ever get his sluggish, overweight butt off the cross walk. Bet you he enjoys his donut every morning, just two more weeks Ray and I get all the treats I want. I think the diet is kicking in nice now; I sit at stop signs, not just lights, waiting for them to turn green, hmmmm. Every day of crankiness is another percentage of body fat though, so it's worth it. There's Jay now. This is hilarious; I don't think he even knows where he is. He looks like a drunk trying to act sober. Better honk the horn or he will walk right by. Braaaaamp! Yeah! " Hey there! Good morning sunshine!" Life is always much more fun when someone is suffering as much as you are.
I guess all us meatheads are all a little jaded and off some way. Misery loves company. I should be pumping up mentally for the workout, but all I can think about is the half a deck of tomato and basil rice cakes I get after back. My "bad" for the day. Jay jumps (well more of a climb, crawl combo) into the truck. We exchange a couple grunts and other one syllable greetings and we're off to do some damage.
To keep Reading Look For Part 2 Under The Same Title.
A tale of stacks and carbs - Two weeks out from competition:
4:30AM-Kick-in-the-chest! I rip the covers off and swing my arm over to turn off the fan that has been sucking the moisture out of my brain all night. There's got to be an alarm tone that won't induce a mild heart attack every morning. It takes a minute of clutching my chest to make sure my heart doesn't make a run for it. I can never figure out if I am going to sleep in a pool of sweat or have cold chills all night, I usually know half way through the night if I have to flip my soaked pillow. It has become an adventure to make it to the bathroom with my eyes glued shut from dehydration.
In truth I cant wait to wake up because between the crazy dreams from the stack and my growling stomach. Wake up time is an end to the 360 flips I do all night. I get to have breakfast. The thought of three shredded wheat biscuits and 4.6 oz of chicken is a touch of heaven in this cruel land of depletion. I just need to make it through morning cardio first. That means a stack to get rid of the jitters and a liter of water to unstick my tongue from the roof of my mouth. I enjoy feeling full for about ten minutes after breakfast, and waiting another two and half-hours to calm the gremlins again.
I can tell this is going to be one of those days where I get to spend 45 minutes of treadmill time watching leg press lockouts and coffee pot seminars at the water fountain. Wow, these people really enjoy their social outings. Shmucks.
Isn't this special? I hope someone decides to do stretches on the back hyper machine again, just so I cant bring in my lower back in time for the contest. Nice, now that Mr.Buttercup in the corner is all loosened up on the back hyper, I can warm-up myself.
9:00 finishes off my first client of the day and now its home to eat and take a nap before I phone Jay "the freak" Riddell to make sure we are still on for back today. He's six weeks out from provincials and we're pushing hard. The phone call confirms it, 11:30, parking lot of Mac's by the L.R.T. in downtown Calgary. Sounds like the callout for S.W.A.T. Time to drop my second stack of the day and put a liter of distilled water down range.
Doesn't seem to matter how much of this stuff I drink, it feels like I got sand in my eyes every time I blink. The training pace has picked up so much that we don't have time to grab water any more. It's almost tempting to lick the sweat off the bench so I can swallow.
"Hey Ray", huh? There's that little evil voice again. Keeps saying I need extra carbs today because I'm looking flat. I hate that guy. Every time I start to lean out this voice decides to put up residence in my head. He gets really loud and annoying about 11:00 at night when I want to sleep. Usually something like, "Don't you need an extra ounce of beef with those veggies so you don't go catabolic during sleep?" Like I said: I hate that guy.
Heading down town now to get Jay, that is if this creeping pedestrian will ever get his sluggish, overweight butt off the cross walk. Bet you he enjoys his donut every morning, just two more weeks Ray and I get all the treats I want. I think the diet is kicking in nice now; I sit at stop signs, not just lights, waiting for them to turn green, hmmmm. Every day of crankiness is another percentage of body fat though, so it's worth it. There's Jay now. This is hilarious; I don't think he even knows where he is. He looks like a drunk trying to act sober. Better honk the horn or he will walk right by. Braaaaamp! Yeah! " Hey there! Good morning sunshine!" Life is always much more fun when someone is suffering as much as you are.
I guess all us meatheads are all a little jaded and off some way. Misery loves company. I should be pumping up mentally for the workout, but all I can think about is the half a deck of tomato and basil rice cakes I get after back. My "bad" for the day. Jay jumps (well more of a climb, crawl combo) into the truck. We exchange a couple grunts and other one syllable greetings and we're off to do some damage.
To keep Reading Look For Part 2 Under The Same Title.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Are All Vitamins Created Equal For Men And Women Over 50?
Men and women over 50 have read the reports and seen the news. Our soil is depleted and lacks the necessary nutrients and minerals that our bodies need. The environment is toxic and wreaks havoc on our health. Free radicals attack our immune system. The only solution seems to be supplementation with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to compensate for environmental deficiencies.
After hearing all of this, what do most people do? They take a trip to the local supercenter or pharmacy, grab bottles of a popular supplement, and then think their job is done. It is a safe bet, however, that many people are not considering if what they consume is nutritionally complete and balanced. Not all supplements are created equal.
Dr. Myron Wentz, Ph.D and founder of USANA Health Sciences has this to say in the company's "Health and Freedom" brochure: " I began testing health supplements in my analytical laboratory to measure their nutritional balance and their effectiveness in promoting and sustaining a healthy life. Many of the products I analyzed were not only nutritionally unbalanced, but had incorrect and misleading labels. My research proved many times that what consumers thought they were buying and what they were receiving were two different things."
What can men and women over 50 do to ensure they are purchasing supplements that are high quality and nutritionally balanced? Here are 5 tips to assist in this process:
1. Perform careful research! Don't just go along with the latest fads. A good book to purchase is "The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements" by Lyle MacWilliam, BSc, MSc. MacWilliam is a former Canadian Member of Parliament and a current member of the Legislative Assembly for British Columbia. His book carefully analyzes over 500 products available in the US and Canada. The products that are listed at the top are best in the market today.
2. Look for a company who invests significant time and money in extensive scientific research, has worldwide scientific alliances, and who puts quality first.
3. Check to see if there is a guaranteed potency. Yes, there are companies who offer this and who follow stringent analytical and quality control procedures. In other words, what you see on a product's label is actually in the product.
4. Make sure the company's products follow pharmaceutical-grade good manufacturing practices (GMP). This is a step above FDA regulations. This means a variety of government agencies conduct periodic inspections and require control of procedures, as well as documentation.
5. Lastly, look to see if the company's products provide a money-back guarantee. Believe it or not, there is a company that is so confident about its products that if offers a revolutionary one million money-back guarantee to some professional and world class athletes.
Follow the above 5 tips for optimal health in men and women over 50!
After hearing all of this, what do most people do? They take a trip to the local supercenter or pharmacy, grab bottles of a popular supplement, and then think their job is done. It is a safe bet, however, that many people are not considering if what they consume is nutritionally complete and balanced. Not all supplements are created equal.
Dr. Myron Wentz, Ph.D and founder of USANA Health Sciences has this to say in the company's "Health and Freedom" brochure: " I began testing health supplements in my analytical laboratory to measure their nutritional balance and their effectiveness in promoting and sustaining a healthy life. Many of the products I analyzed were not only nutritionally unbalanced, but had incorrect and misleading labels. My research proved many times that what consumers thought they were buying and what they were receiving were two different things."
What can men and women over 50 do to ensure they are purchasing supplements that are high quality and nutritionally balanced? Here are 5 tips to assist in this process:
1. Perform careful research! Don't just go along with the latest fads. A good book to purchase is "The Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements" by Lyle MacWilliam, BSc, MSc. MacWilliam is a former Canadian Member of Parliament and a current member of the Legislative Assembly for British Columbia. His book carefully analyzes over 500 products available in the US and Canada. The products that are listed at the top are best in the market today.
2. Look for a company who invests significant time and money in extensive scientific research, has worldwide scientific alliances, and who puts quality first.
3. Check to see if there is a guaranteed potency. Yes, there are companies who offer this and who follow stringent analytical and quality control procedures. In other words, what you see on a product's label is actually in the product.
4. Make sure the company's products follow pharmaceutical-grade good manufacturing practices (GMP). This is a step above FDA regulations. This means a variety of government agencies conduct periodic inspections and require control of procedures, as well as documentation.
5. Lastly, look to see if the company's products provide a money-back guarantee. Believe it or not, there is a company that is so confident about its products that if offers a revolutionary one million money-back guarantee to some professional and world class athletes.
Follow the above 5 tips for optimal health in men and women over 50!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Heavy weight training improves running economy
Previous research has shown that weight-training improved the running economy of distance runners. To further explore this phenomenon, recent research was undertaken to find out if traditional weight training or explosive weight training had different degrees of effectiveness for increasing running economy. An article entitled, "Effects of strength training on running economy" by Guglielmo, Greco, and Denadai of the Human Performance Laboratory, UNESP, Rio Claro, Brazil, published in the International Journal of Sports Med. in January 2009, presented the results of a study. Sixteen well-trained runners engaged in either traditional heavy weight training or explosive weight training, all for 4 weeks on the same equipment. They were then tested while running on a treadmill to see how much oxygen per unit body weight they used to run at a set speed. Only the group that trained traditionally improved in running economy. The observed 7% increase in economy could translate to a marked increase in running speed sustained over a distance. This study demonstrates that weight training can be beneficial for endurance athletes as well as strength and power athletes.
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