Thursday, December 10, 2009

How to Choose the Best Fitness Program for You

Many people do not know where to begin when trying to start a fitness program. The search for an adequate fitness program can sometimes feel frustrating, because there are many different kinds of programs, and a lot of them contain conflicting information!

There are a few basic guidelines to follow when searching for a quality fitness program. Every fitness program should incorporate a few standard things.

The first thing a good fitness program will include is weight training. This may be accomplished by the use of large machines, barbells, or simple handheld free weights. Some people have also found that alternative types of resistance training, such as resistance bands, work well for their specific fitness program. The important thing is that there is some type of resistance training in your fitness program. Using weights even just a few times a week within your fitness program can increase your overall health, including bone density. Also, lifting weights as part of your fitness program increases your bodys muscle mass. This means that you will replace fat with muscle. Muscle is more attractive than fat, and takes up less space. It burns calories even while you are resting! These are just a few reasons why a weight-training regimen should be included in your overall fitness program.

The second thing you should check for in a quality fitness program, is a good amount of cardiovascular exercise. This is simply any exercise that increases your heart rate and keeps it elevated for an adequate amount of time. There should be at least twenty minute of cardiovascular exercise in your fitness program three times a week, and this is a minimum for any fitness program. Bicycling, fast walking, running or jogging, dancing, aerobic classes, etc. are all examples of cardiovascular exercise that could be incorporated into your fitness program. A fitness program should include this type of exercise because it is excellent for your heart and overall bodily health. However, another benefit of adding it to your fitness program is that it burns calories, which, in turn, helps you to lose weight.

Finally, any good fitness program should begin and end with stretching. This is a way to ensure that your muscles and ligaments are well taken care of throughout your fitness program, and stretching also has an elongating effect.

Any fitness program that includes these three things will be a fitness program you can feel positive about beginning. Its always a challenge to begin a fitness program, but if you stick with your fitness program past the first few days and weeks, you will begin to look and feel better than ever.

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