Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Yohimbe Extract; Treatment For Sexual Dysfunction With A Multitude Of Side Effects

By Phil Zertisky

Yohimbe is an evergreen tree that is native to the Congo, Nigeria, Cameroon and Gabon. The bark of this tree was originally used to treat leprosy in West Africa and it is also effective against fever and coughing. It has been used to prevent heart disease and can also be used as an aphrodisiac. Currently the extract is being used to treat impotence in men.

The part of the tree used is the bark. It is usually taken from the tree when it has the most alkaloid content in May to September. The unfortunate part of it is that the tree usually dies once the bark is taken, but most companies producing Yohimbe extract plant new ones. The good thing is that the Yohimbe tree is very prolific and grows very quickly sometimes growing from trees that succumbed to the bark stripping.

Yohimbe extract can work for those who have erectile dysfunction because it increases the blood flow to the penis and also stimulates the nerves within the genitals. Because it also helps with depression, which can be a cause of impotence it has been thought of as a good remedy for the malady.

Yohimbine is the active compound within the tree bark and studies have been held to find out how effective it is in treating erectile dysfunction. However, there have been no medical studies done on Yohimbe extract so the success rate is questionable. The FDA has approved Yohimbine as a valid treatment for erectile dysfunction but it has not approved the extract.

Females can also be helped by yohimbe extract. It also conducts blood flow to female genital areas to make for a better and longer lasting orgasm. It has been known to heighten the sex drive in both women and men that have a low libido.

Extracts come in various potency. Extracts are more potent and come in 2% all the way up to 20%. The extract works quickly usually within an hour or two but the effects only last a few hours. Yohimbe is difficult to dose and often people take too much for their metabolism to take. It is best to start out slow and make sure side effects are nonexistent or tolerable before taking more.

There are many side effects to yohimbe extract and they include insomnia, dizziness, and nausea. If you have a problem with high blood pressure it is probably not a good thing to try since blood pressure can be increased and another side effect is that the heart beats rapidly. People with kidney problems or peptic ulcers should also avoid yohimbe. If tablets are taken the highest dosage should not exceed 40 mg. Women that are pregnant should avoid the substance as it has been known to cause miscarriages or birth defects. Yohimbe can cause allergic reactions of swelling of mouth or throat or rash. If any of these symptoms are experienced you should go to the emergency room at the nearest hospital.

A regular healthy person that experiences rapid heart beat, sweating and agitation needs to relax and drink cool water. If the side affects do not abate in one hour they need to get to an emergency room.

People with any long lasting medical problem should never take Yohimbe extract. Those that have blood pressure, kidney or heart issues should not even try the substance. It can effect a healthy person as well so side effects should be monitored and those lasting over one hour should be looked at by a doctor. Those people in their 50's and 60's should probably not use the substance because it can cause permanent damage.

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1 comment:

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